Thinking Out Loud # 40

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Thinking Out Loud # 40

1. McKenzie and McKayla had their 18 month check-up today and I had to go it alone; not easy. They officially don’t like going to the doctors.

The calm before the storm.

Happiness – In the waiting room.

think - 18 month checkup mckenzie mckayla

2. Wow, I have so many posts that I am working on right now; 18 month post for McKenzie and McKayla, my history with disordered eating post, etc. These will be coming in the next couple weeks I promise.

3. We saw the movie If I Stay over the weekend and it was a great movie, even though I seriously cried my eyes out the entire time. Ha!! Anyway, I didn’t even know it was a book and then I just found out there is a sequel I am so EXCITED. I just bought it for my kindle and can’t wait to start reading it. Giselle said it is amazing and can’t put it down. Now I just need to find some time to read it. Oh my!!

Where She Went


4. I have officially decided that I am for ordering the 21 Day Fix Extreme and I cannot wait to start. The sad part is that it doesn’t get released until February. So sad.

5. I have not been drinking as much water as I would like these days, so I came up with a plan. My goal is to drink 16 ounces (one of my tall glasses) of water before each meal and snack. I did pretty well today, but I kept forgetting about it until after I ate. Uh oh. As the days go on I know it will become second nature.

6. As you know one of my goals for the year is to eat more produce. Well, I have started with carrots (easy and doesn’t take any preparation). I still want to incorporate more salads into my diet, but one step at a time. Salads just take more time for me and I need a fork; not easy with a baby or two in my arms. 🙂

These are our favorite. Isabella and myself could eat these all day long, dipped in hummus.

wiww 69 - carrots sam's club

7. Goes I felt like I had so much more to tell you, but I can’t think of anything else right now. Well, there’s always next week.

8. Okay the OCD in my wouldn’t let me end on an odd number. I know crazy right?!

Thank you Amanda for hosting. I love thinking out loud.

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