1. Today was donuts with Dad at Sophia’s school. So, the two of them drove to school and ate donuts in the cafeteria. Sophia was very excited. I must say it was nice not having to get everyone out the door and to the bus stop.
2. So, Sophia has a “boyfriend”. Oh my. While she was sitting on Daddy’s lap last week this is what she told us:
Sophia: A boy asked me to marry him.
Mommy and Daddy: What did you say?
Sophia: I said sure. He said he is my boyfriend.
Mommy and Daddy: Oh he did. What does that mean?
Sophia: I don’t know. He’s my best friend and we play at recess.
This convo, made us laugh. It was too cute. She tells us they play together at recess, do math together, etc. Oh my, it has already begun. I must this little boy is very cute and smart.
3. Since, we are on the topic of conversations with our girls. I have to share this one Daddy had with Isabella the other day.
Daddy: I am not going to be home tomorrow night, so I won’t see you until Thursday.
Isabella: Sophia is going to miss you.
Daddy: Are you going to miss me?
Isabella: Yes, but Sophia is going to really miss you. She will be sad. She is a Daddy’s girl.
4. Sophia, Isabella, and myself leave tomorrow evening for Chicago. I am so excited to spend the weekend with my big girls. Ever since the twins were born spending time with the big girls doesn’t happen very easily. But, this weekend is all about my girls. We are going to go to the American Girl store, the Disney store, swimming in the pool, etc. Saturday is our day. Then on Sunday we are going to brunch and wedding dress shopping with my future sister-in-law; AHHHH so exciting. I also can’t wait to spend time with my baby sis. We don’t get much time together without kids and Saturday night my parents are staying the girls so we can go out!! Love it. I can’t wait to tell you all about our fun weekend on Monday.
5. These girls looking out the window watching for Papa is adorable.
6. Today Isabella, McKenzie and McKayla wanted to sit together. I love these girls so much!! Every day they melt my heart. I must say I miss my Sophia being here with us.
Thank you Amanda for hosting.
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- Now, it’s your turn. Tell me what’s on your mind.
Awww, the girls are so cute. I love that you document (and share!) the conversations they have. It’s so cute to see what kids are thinking.
Thank you. I love hearing what children have to say; they are so wise beyond their years.
Such cute pictures of your girls. Have a great weekend in Chicago!
Thank you!!