1. Wow, today was a crazy day. But, I must say as exhausting as it is I love my busy and this was fun busy. We had a wonderful play date this morning; not only did Isabella have fun, but I loved having a mommy date. Shortly after our playdate I went to the store to get stuff to Boo our neighbors (our girls love to Boo people). I had to be at Sophia’s school at 2:15 and it couldn’t have been more fun and needed. I truly love to be in her classroom. Sophia was having a sad day. She was missing her family and simply needed her mama. I am so glad I am fortunate enough to be able to into her class each and every week. I am so glad I could be there today. I was there longer then usual so I actually drove her home for the first time. I loved spending that 10 minutes in the car just the two of us. Once we got home I fed the girls and we left for dance. After dance we come home ate again, booed our neighbors and got everyone to bed. I was finally able to sit down and talk to all of you. I told you it was quite the day.
2. Yesterday, was Mimi’s birthday and it was so much fun. First I must say that Mimi deserves the best day ever. She does so much for everyone else that she deserves to have everything. We truly wouldn’t survive without her. I can’t even begin to tell you what an amazing women she is and has always been. She is everything I strive to be. She is my role model and my friend. I pray each and everyday that I am as selfless as she is, that I give my girls the amazing life she has given all of her children. Her unconditional love is beautiful. Mimi’s birthday went a little like this – Wednesdays she comes over to watch the twins while Isabella and myself go to gymnastics. So, while we were gone she was surprised by one of her best friends. Once, we got home we had cupcakes and enjoyed time with our Mimi. Then we took her out to dinner, Rainforest Café; the girls favorite restaurant.
Sophia was not into taking pictures AT ALL!! I tried to get a picture of McKenzie, but she wanted Mommy and it was not easy. But I must say dinner was a success.
3. My wonderful sister-in-law to be wrote he first blog post TODAY!! Head on over and give her some love. As you know, she is getting married next summer, loves crossfit, teaches 5th grade and loves healthy living. Her blog is definitely going to be a must read. Wow, reading her first post brought back so many memories to when I wrote my very first post. It was so scary, yet freeing and here I am today almost two years into this crazy blogging world and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my readers and I love what this blog has done for my life. I can’t believe how much we have been through together. When I started this blog I wasn’t even pregnant then I became pregnant with twins, we experiences TTTS, preterm labor, and the NICU. Life has truly been a roller coaster.
4. McKenzie and McKayla did not sleep well last night. So, that means it was time for a little coffee. As you know I don’t drink anything with caffeine very often. Seriously, I only have a cup of coffee on occasion and it was definitely needed today.
As always thank you Amanda for hosting.
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- Tell me what is on your mind.
Thank you for the beautiful words. Thank you for making my birthday a wonderful day. I love you. Mom
Awe, thank you Mom!! We love you.