Thank you Amanda for hosting.
1. On our way back from the bus stop minus one.
2. Isabella keeps begging for another sleepover. Sophia understands that they can only have sleepovers on non-school nights, but Isabella just doesn’t get that. She begs to sleep with sissy every night. She tells me she doesn’t want to sleep alone. My sweet baby.
3. McKayla and McKenzie love to play in the cupboard. This face is just too sweet.
4. Tonight we had conferences and met with Sophia’s teacher. I seriously cannot tell you how much I love her. She couldn’t bee more perfect for out little girl. She has such a kind heart and truly loves these children. The best part is she didn’t have much to tell us. She told us Sophia is an amazing girl. She is right where she is supposed to be.
5. Sophia lost her first tooth at 4am Wednesday morning. Yes, she called us in and had her tooth in her hand. She was one proud girl!!
6. Tonight Sophia put her tooth under her pillow with a note. She is so excited. I feel as though it is Christmas Eve in our house. When she wakes up in the morning she will have a new book about the tooth fairy and two dollar coins. Sophia told me that the tooth fairy leaves coins. So, that’s easy enough. Since, this is the first tooth I thought a book would be fun too.
7. This is what McKenzie and McKayla do while Isabella is dancing.
8. Our Isabella at gymnastics. I can’t even tell you how much I love spending this hour with her. It is so much fun to watch her little face light up. She loves it too!!
In the Comments Below:
- Now it’s your turn. What is on your mind?
Your girls are so stinkin’ cute! Love the photo with the little one in the cupboard. I’m stopping over from Amanda’s.
Thank you for stopping by. They love to play in the cupboards; which mean my kitchen floor is always a disaster.
Hi Renee,
I just wanted to say you are such an inspiration to me! I read about your struggle with an eating disorder and I have worked hard to overcome that as well. I will admit, especially now with losing the baby weight, it is hard at times to not look at food and think it’s “bad” or “good”. But, I am working on this because I want my daughter to grow up in a healthy household. I like how you say you don’t talk about weight with your children and how everything is promoted toward leading a healthy lifestyle. This is exactly what I want for my family. I just wanted to say thank you and say you are doing a FANTASTIC job raising your girls! Your family is absolutely adorable.
I came across your blog when I was researching pregnancy info. I just had a baby 5 weeks ago and her name is Sophia too
Congratulations on your daughter. Being a mom is a wonderful thing and equally exhausting. I love the name Sophia.
I am so sorry you had an eating disorder, but I am so glad you have overcome it. Yes, it is not easy when after having a baby, but you will do wonderful!! Yes, healthy is the key word and I continue to tell myself that day in and day out.
You have made my day I am so glad I am an inspiration to you; that is always my goal. I truly love helping people each and every day!!
Oh by the way, I know you have a set of twins and I’m a twin! But, my twin is a boy
It’s fun having your best friend grow up with you.
I am so glad you love being a twin. I hope and pray that McKenzie and McKayla will be best friends too.
LOVE the idea with the book!! As always, your daughters are just too cute!!
We love books in our house and it was so much fun snuggling up with Sophia and reading he new book.
Thank you!!