Thank you Amanda for hosting. Tonight I needed to get my thoughts on “paper”.
1. Isabella and I had so much fun at gymnastics. I simply loved spending time with her. She is a sweetheart and it is just what we need. I can’t wait to continue our Mommy and Isabella time.
2. Ever since I changed my way of thinking about bedtime I have been loving it. Seriously, I have been snuggling longer and taking my time with my girls. At bedtime I have been focusing on them and not all the other things I still have to do before I get to go to bed. If you haven’t already go read this post. It is heartfelt and really puts things into perspective. It has changed my life!
3. These girls crack me up. They are too cute. The floor of our kitchen was filled with every plastic plate, bowl, and cup. Oh my!!
4. This afternoon was my day to help in Sophia’s class again and I loved it!! I love going into her class and meeting her classmates and seeing my girl. Yesterday, she was definitely more clingy then the week before. I think these long days and weeks are starting to get to her.
5. Tonight was bunco night. It’s my one night a month to spend time with the ladies. It is so nice to get out of the house and catch up with all my neighbors. Love it!! Oh and I won for most buncos; makes it just a little bit sweeter. I have been on a major losing streak so this felt GREAT!!
6. I can’t believe I am still up, but I am having trouble sleeping tonight. I simply can’t calm down. I have a million things on my mind. Way to many to put in this post, but hopefully getting some of it out will help me fall asleep. I am sure there is way more but I simply can’t put it into words right now. Maybe next time.
In the Comments Below:
- What is on your mind?
Thank you for posting that article on bedtime. It really put things into perspective. Sometimes I tend to rush through the bedtime routine and the article made me realize that it’s not my girls fault that I still have things to do after they go to bed. Thanks for sharing! Your girls are just precious!
I am so glad you liked the article as much as I did. After reading it bedtime in our house has changed drastically. I am never trying to rush through it. Thank you, my girls are my everything!!