1. I want you to know I read all of your comments and emails and I promise I will respond back soon. Life has just been so crazy lately with writing my blog, my new business, and of course my girls (my number one priority). But I do read each and every comment and love to hear everything you have to say. I always look forward to talking to you at the end of my crazy days.
2. Oh my we are sick again. Please let this cold pass quickly. I can’t take it anymore. I feel as though we have been sick since January.
3. I am loving my Rodan & Fields business. I can’t even tell you how much it means to be able to run my own business and be at home with my girls. I love that I can take some of the pressure off Steve (taking care of a family of 6 is not an easy task). This is an amazing opportunity and I am so glad I stopped second guessing myself and went for it. I am so happy I listened to the what ifs. Sometimes in life we simply have to just go for it and take that leap of faith and I am glad I did.
4. Steve has been traveling all week and I HATE it. Yes, I hate using the word hate, but in this case it is the only word that works. I seriously, want my hubby home. After this week I cannot wait to go to Las Vegas. I am so excited to spend 4 days with him; without our little ones (I will miss them though).
5. I need a manicure and pedicure before we go to Vegas. Seriously, my nails are awful. Hopefully, I can make that happen. I guess if I can’t get it done here maybe I can in Vegas. Hey, that’s not a bad idea.
6. We have been having such wonderful days. Our girls have been so happy and life really seems to be coming together. I love our family of 6 and I can’t imagine it any other way.
7. Last week I did the Pop Pilates 1000 Squat video and it was hard, but amazing. I have decided for the month of August I am going to do this video each and every week. So, tomorrow is the day. I am going to complete the challenge for the second time and it’s not easy I will tell you that, but I love a goo challenge. I love the way I feel after I complete it.
8. We spent another wonderful afternoon outside today and I love watching my girls play.
Thank you Amanda for hosting!!
Now it’s your turn. What is on your mind?
I totally understand you hate that your husband is gone. I only have one daughter and by the late afternoon I look forward to him coming home and give me a little break. You are doing a great job though!!
Thank you!! Yes, I sometimes count down the minutes.