Good evening everyone. I can’t believe it is already Thursday; this week flew by once again. Since, it’s Thursday I am joining Amanda @ Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud.
1. McKenzie and McKayla had a wonderful day today. They are feeling so much better. Honestly, I don’t know if they have ever felt this good and that makes me feel awful for them. But at least we have fix their ears once and for all. They were so happy.
2. We had McKenzie and Mckayla’s 12 month doctors appointment today and they are doing so well. But they had to get shots and blood drawn. It has been a tough week for them. I will write their 12 month update ASAP!!
3. Sophia, Isabella, and myself went to Trader Joe’s this after noon and we had a blast. I love going places with my girls, it is so much fun. They love to push the carts and buy everything.
4. I can’t believe we go out of town next week it is crazy how quickly it has come. We are driving to Virginia for Steve’s family reunion. Yes, we are taking a nine hour car ride with four little ones. Oh my!! No, actually I am so excited. It will be nice to get away for a little bit and I can’t wait to see our family (we missed the reunion last year due to McKenzie and McKayla being in the NICU). These family reunions are so much fun. I love our family time!!
5. I am going to use my Redefine Macro Exfoliator for the first time tonight. I can’t wait. I will take before and after pictures and let you know what I think. “Used once a week, this hand-held, personal use exfoliation tool sweeps away dead skin cells leaving behind smoother, healthier-looking and more luminous complexion”.
6. I need a manicure and pedicure ASAP. My nails and toes look terrible. Tomorrow, I am at least going to paint them; they are so embarrassing.
7. My eating has once again been pretty yuck lately. All the birthdays and cake throw me off. But honestly, I am okay with everything and that is a new thing for me.
8. We are starting the weaning process, but I think I am ready. I know the girls are ready. Starting tomorrow I am going to drop the afternoon feeding we will see how it goes. In the next week or so I am going to write a post talking about how I wean my girls.
9. Leg and booty days are my favorite days of the week. I seriously love working out my lower body.
10. So, when we go to Virginia next week I have decided I am going to take a few days off from working out. I haven’t had a break since February. I am going to miss it, but I think my body needs a break. I have to tell you I am going to miss it. I love the way I feel after I exercise and it’s my only “me time”. We will see how I feel after the break; hopefully I will be revved up and ready to kick it hard when we get back.
11. We are just about a month away from our Vegas trip. AHHH!! So excited.
12. My parents leave for Italy on Sunday; I don’t know what we are going to do without them. No, seriously we can’t survive without them. Ha!! They are going to have so much fun, but we will miss them terribly.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what’s on your mind.
Slowly catching up on blog reading. You were in VA! I live here!! I hope you had a wonderful family reunion!!
I get so behind on blogs and I hate missing out on things.
VA is beautiful. I love that part of the country.