Thinking Out Loud # 103

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{Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud}

Thinking-Out-Loud (3)

  1. Trader Joe’s is one of our happy places. Actually, any store makes these girls happy. Oh my, we are in trouble!!trader-joes-mckayla-mckenize-checkout trader-joes-mckayla-mckenzie-checkout-2 trader-joes-mckayla-sweet-face trader-joes-mckayla-mckenzie-pushing-carts trader-joes-mckenzie-sweet
  2. We managed to get a little shopping in on black Friday. We bought each girl new Christmas pajamas and a couple outfits. And let me tell you Sophia loves to pick out her own clothes, but boy does she have a difficult time making decisions. If we didn’t encourage her to choose something she would have stayed there all day.sophia-bling sophia-christmas-jams
  3. Seriously, our weather here has been AMAZING and we have been taking full advantage of all the sunshine.november-2016-mckayla-bike november-2016-mckayla-bike-from-back november-2016-mckayla-bike-sunglasses november-2016-mckenzie-sunglasses
  4. McKayla loves carrying her big sister’s backpacks home from the bus stop. Our little peanut is one tough cookie.sophia-mckayla-walking-home-from-bus 2016-backpack-mckaylanovember-2016-mckayla-backpack mckayla-walking-back-from-bus-stop-backpack
  5. The six of us went to dinner this past weekend and it was so much fun. I can’t believe how simple it is to go to out to eat. Seriously?! This was not the case a year ago. Life is good.
  6. Our babies LOVE gymnastics and I love watching them grow and learn. Week after week they continue to improve and I am one proud Mama.november-2016-gymnastics-mckayla gymnastics-mckenzie-pogo-mckayla gymnastics-pogo gymnastics-mckayla-mckenzie-waiting
  7. McKayla and McKenzie are starting to get pretty good at taking pictures. I love looking at my phone at the end of the day and seeing there sweet faces. Here are a couple of my favorites.mckenzie-taken-by-mckaylamckayla-took-picture-of-mckenzie
  8. I have so much to tell you about my fitness routine lately. I started Kayla Itsine’s Bikini Body Guide (BBG) about 9 weeks ago and I have loved this program from the moment I began. Now, don’t get me wrong the workouts are intense. Halfway through I would love to quit, but I don’t and then I always feel amazing when the 28 minutes are over. I can’t say enough wonderful things about the program. Check it out.

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