Happy Tuesday everyone. What a day we have had. First of all Steve was out of town last night; we missed him terribly. Thankfully, Mimi spent the night to help us out. What would we do without her? We love sleepovers with Mimi.
Our day started off with McKenzie still not feeling well. She has seriously had a cold on and off for the past month , so back to the doctors we went. This time we found out she has RSV; it is not awful yet, so hopefully we can keep it that way. We need to dry her up, we have been instructed to give her Benadryl every 6 hours. I need spring, I can’t wait until we can open up windows and doors to air this house out. At least, 3 out of our 4 girls have kicked this cold.
So, funny thing happened while I was writing this post. Okay its really not funny, but it just sums up my life. Isabella starts crying up in bed so I run up there and she proceeds to tell me her mouth hurts and then seconds later I am catching throw up in my hands. Oh my!! The life of a mother. We clean her up and she tells us she feels better now. Hopefully, it was simply something she ate and we aren’t getting something more. I can’t even begin to tell you how cute she is though. Right after getting all cleaned up she is all smiles and happy as can be. The life of a mother is something unexplainable.
Throughout this past month of on and off sleep I still made sure to wake up early and get my workout in. No matter what, I know I feel so much better once I do. And let me tell you same days are more difficult then others. Tuesdays are tough, they are plyometric days and jump training at 5:30 in the morning is no easy task, but I do it and it feels terrific. I am telling you this because I want you to know you can do it and you are worth taking the time for yourself. The other day FitNix wrote about being a fit mom this and I wanted to share it with you.
Thing’s I’ve learned as a Busy, Fit, Full Time Mom……..
I may not have clean hair everyday…. House cleaning will be done a little here and there….. Whatever I leave undone to go to the gym will still be there when I get back, so just go…….. Taking care of myself benefits my family….. My training keeps me strong enough to lift, carry, and play with my kids, even the 8 year old….. Ev…en when I’m busy, I still have time for training, I don’t need time to watch TV or catch up on my shows, and I haven’t missed them…. Grocery shopping will be done in yoga pants and in the nick of time before the bus passes….. Shopping is more fun when I feel confident, not because of the scale or pant size but because of inner strength….. I spend almost all my hours taking care of my family, 90 minutes for myself is a must!!!
I had planned to write a completely different post, but when I sat down to write this is what came to mind. I want you to know you are worth taking time for. You deserve to be able to take care of yourself. So, right now make a promise to yourself to do something healthy for you tomorrow; it may only be 15 minutes of walking or yoga. But not matter what do something, you won’t regret it I promise!!
In the Comments Below:
- What keeps you motivated?
- Do you take time for yourself each day? Do You feel guilty for it?
Although I’m not a mom (yet) I adore your blog. This post was SO inspiring! With or without kids, there is so much wisdom in it…but, let me say you’re a rock star mom Renee!!
Awe… thank you. I wrote this not only to inspire others, but I need to remind myself as well.
Great post
I try to make time for myself to exercise every day but it doesn’t always happen. I wish I’d wake up around 5 am to workout before the babies are up! I’m a morning person yet it’s still super hard for me to wake up at 5 am. I should though, I know I’d feel so much better. If the weather is nice I take the babies with me for a walk or a jog. That makes us all feel good. Or we go to the gym and I drop them off at the gym’s day care. I don’t love doing that though in fear of them getting sick, although they are going to get sick one day!
I will tell you some day it is so difficult to get out of bed but I am always glad I did. Once, you get in the habit it is pretty easy. I can’t wait for our weather to get nice enough to take a walk to the playground and then the pool. Oh my, summer feels so far away. Their immune system will be better off.
McKenzie and McKayla have definitely been so much sicker then Sophia or Isabella. Sophia brings every cold home from preschool. But I know McKenzie and McKayla will be less sick later on.