I will begin by saying our weekend in Denver was absolutely perfect. I loved spending every minute with my Sophia. I loved falling asleep holding her night after night. I could have stayed there forever (only if my other girls and hubby joined us; this Mama missed them dearly). My sweet, sweet girl.
It all began when I finally told her on Wednesday night. She was beyond excited. Her exact words were, “I just don’t know what to do with myself. My life has just changed completely!” She couldn’t contain her excitement and usually Sophia is so composed; not this time, this time she was beyond thrilled. It was so cute.
I also told Isabella that Sophia and I would be going away. Isabella began to get teary-eyed because she didn’t know what she would do without Sophia; her sister. She said they do everything together. It was so heartfelt and sweet. Her and Sophia’s relationship is amazing. After talking to Isabella for a few minutes she became excited to spend the weekend as the biggest sister in the house. I told her she would have to help Daddy with McKayla and McKenzie; they would be very sad. In the end her exact words were, “So, basically I’m only not going to see you for 1 day?” I responded with, “basically”. Too funny!!
McKayla and McKenzie didn’t take the news very well. I waited to tell them until Friday morning because I knew otherwise they would have worried all week. McKayla cried immediately, but McKenzie held it together until after I was gone, after nap. Poor Steve dealt with a lot of tears from these two, mostly at nap time and bedtime. But, they also had a lot of fun. They spent Saturday morning getting donuts and playing at an indoor play center and Sunday morning at Sunday school (which my girls LOVE) and the mall. Steve made sure to keep busy so there wasn’t much time to think about Mommy being gone. He also wanted to exhaust them and he did.
I left the girls a gift for each day I would be gone. They opened up the first gift Friday after getting Isabella off the bus, then Saturday morning and Sunday morning. I truly wanted to make sure all my girls knew how special they are to me. I didn’t want them to think I forgot about them. I want my girls to ALWAYS remember there is nothing more important to me then all of them.
Sophia and I left for the airport Friday afternoon. We enjoyed a nice lunch together at National Coney Island because she wanted pancakes.
It was WAY too easy to travel with one eight year old. She is just a gem. I seriously cannot tell you how much fun I have with this girl. Such a wonderful big girl. I am blessed.
We spent Saturday morning at a farm just outside Denver. There was so much to do. We could have stayed ALL day.
Goodbyes are never easy….
On the plane Sophia told me we should move to Denver so we could live by Maizy.
She is an amazing travel buddy. My daughter, my friend.
Sophia sure does love her baby cousins.
Well Isabella, McKayla and McKenzie survived without their Mama, but they continue to say I am not allowed to go anywhere else, unless Daddy goes with me so Mimi can stay with them. Ha!! Sorry Daddy we do love you A LOT!!
After this weekend I decided that I need to plan more one-on-one time with each of my girls. They are only getting older and I don’t want to miss these times.
We arrived home at 4pm on Sunday only to turn around and head in to town for an afternoon of eating, bounce houses, and more.
Thank you, Papa, for spending the afternoon with us. We love you very much!!
I sure did miss these sweet, smiling faces. It’s always nice to be home.