Hello, Hello
This post has been a long time coming. Seriously, I have been meaning to write this for months now, but just never got around to it.
McKayla and McKenzie became potty trained December 11th 2015.
They were just about a month shy of 2.5 years old. Looking back I am not even sure how it happened, I guess just one day I decided I didn’t want to change any more diapers. Ha!! I also knew that McKayla and McKenzie have been interested in going potty for a little while now I was just trying to find the right time, a weekend home or someday when we didn’t have anywhere to go. I then realized that would be never with two older sisters. So, I just went for it.
One day we picked out panties and went about our business, school drop off, a grocery store run, etc. Actually, for a few weeks leading up to the big day, of finally getting rid of diapers, the girls would wear panties around the house and go on the potty, but whenever we left I would put them in diapers (I was so nervous about them peeing everywhere.). But, they really weren’t learning anything and this was just becoming harder on me. Then one morning they were in their panties and during our morning rush I simply forgot to put diapers on them. Then after dropping Isabella off at school, we ran to the grocery store and while I was lifting McKayla out of her carseat I quickly learned neither one had a diaper on. I decided to say oh well and continue with our morning to go shopping. That was December 11th 2015 and from that day on we never looked back.
Yes, those first few weeks were stressful. I was so nervous about my girls having accidents while at gymnastics, waiting for Isabella at school, at the store, etc. But, I always had a change of clothes and two small blankets (for cleaning up a mess, if needed.) and I knew we could do. I also made it a rule that they couldn’t leave the house without going potty (this would usually buy my at least a couple hours at the beginning). Well I never needed those blankets and I barely needed those panties.
In the end the best way to potty train is to simply go for it, but you need to make sure everyone is ready; especially YOU!!
After writing this post I realized it really should be called Potty Training Away From Home.
You can read about potty training Sophia and Isabella here.
In the Comments Below:
- Share your tips for potty training. Moms are always looking for ways to get potty training going.
Yay for potty training success! I feel like it’s almost more exciting for parents/careers than little ones because you know diapers are GONEEE!