Good evening everyone. I hope you had a great day. We definitely had our share of good moments and some rough ones. This morning started off amazing. McKenzie and McKayla were happy and took great naps. Then we hit 4 o’clock and I don’t even know what happened. I don’t know how I would have survived without my mom. I seriously don’t know how I would get through anything without her. I am so blessed to be able to have her in my life and to spend every day with her. Thank you mom for all you do for us. I hope you know how much we appreciate everything you do. All I can think about it how I strive to be like her. I hope and pray to be the mom my mom has always been and always will be. Thank you for being a wonderful example to me. You truly make the world a better place.
Okay let’s get down to business; potty training.
Before I start telling you about my journey with Isabella I want to fill you in on how easy Sophia was to potty train.
I started putting Sophia on the potty at about 22 months and she was really taking a liking to it and doing really well. Then Isabella was born and she took a minor and much anticipated, step back. However, about a month later at 25 months Sophia simply told me she didn’t want to wear diapers anymore and only wanted to wear big girl panties. I put her in panties that day and she had 3 accidents and that was that. Easy peasy.
Isabella on the other hand had no desire to go on the potty. She actually told us a few times she liked going potty in her diaper; oh my. Honestly, I wasn’t trying very hard after McKenzie and McKayla were born, but I would occasionally put her on the potty just to introduce it. But, I knew that when she was ready it would happen and I knew I had to be ready too (this goes both ways). Well low and behold she was officially potty trained on January 2nd (2 1/2) and it was very easy.
How it Happened
After Christmas, we had some down time, so I decided she was going to start wearing panties (I was really getting tired of changing 3 baby’s diapers.). I really made a big deal about panties, A LOT!! I made it sound like so much fun and told her she could pick out any type she wanted. She was very excited and of course wanted Minnie Mouse. Steve also upped the ante by telling Isabella we could go to the castle (Disney World) if she started going on the potty. We had a trip planned for months, but she doesn’t know that.
Potty Training
Isabella woke up and I let her pick out her panties. She was so excited and promised me she would go on the potty all day long. I knew we were going to have a few accidents, but I was ready. Well she did amazing she had a total of 3 accidents in two days and that was it. She has been potty trained ever since. During these couple of days I suggest staying home and letting your child simply wear panties/underwear, going out while training can be difficult and stressful and you may not succeed.
Things I Have Learned When it Comes to Potty Training
The number one thing I have learned is that when your child is ready it will happen easily. Try not to get frustrated; you want your child to want to go on the potty, if they are getting in trouble for it they won’t want to do it. Make sitting on the potty fun. We love to read books, sing songs, etc. When they actually go on the potty have a dance party. Seriously, this one is huge for us. Sophia, Isabella, and I go crazy. We dance, dance, dance. Kids love to be praised, they love to please their parents. No amount of gifts or presents can replace the feeling of your parents praise.
The second most important thing it for you to be ready. You have to be on your toes when it comes to potty training. You have to remember to have your child go before leaving the house, before bed, etc. You have you also remember to remind your child to go potty every so often because sometimes they get caught in what they are doing and forget. Potty training is not just about training your child it’s about training you too.
In the Comments Below:
- Share any key tips you have learned from potty training your little one.
Yeah, that’s exciting!! Great advice!!
Thank you!!
I just have a 19 month old so I have no tips but looking for suggestions. Every where I read, I swear I see people saying “I potty trained my 9 months old” (exaggeration…) sometimes we play with his potty but I do know he is no where ready just yet and it will happen we it is supposed to. I am glad that it worked so well and so fast for you!
That is exactly what we did with Sophia and Isabella. We let them play with their potty and simply waited until we knew they were ready. I agree with the 9 month old thing. I think if a 9 month old is going on the potty it’s really the parents that are trained.