Perspective and Change

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So, over the past week or so I have been thinking about how our path in life changes how we look at things. It changes how we perceive a situation.

I thought about it today when I was outside with just Sophia. Oh my that was easy. I was actually relaxing in a chair watching her run through the sprinklers. Then McKenzie woke up and she came outside and it was still rather simple; two kids no big deal. McKayla woke up shortly after McKenzie and again not too bad. I started to think three kids is a piece of cake. And then I started to think since when is three kids easy? All of this comes from the perspective of a mom with four kids. Ask a mom with two or three kids they may think otherwise. Life is all about our journey.

I also started to think about perspective from a first born, second born, etc. I started to think about Sophia craves Mommy time, but Isabella doesn’t know what to do when he big sister isn’t around. Isabella is not used to be without her sis and isn’t always crazy about it. Then I began to wonder what it must feel like to be a twin. I mean McKenzie and McKayla have only know life with another baby to share everything with. Yes, Isabella was a second child, but she was the ONLY baby. It is crazy to think how much McKenzie and McKayla are learning patients and sharing. They are not always the best at either one, but they will learn quickly.

Looking at situations from someone else’s perspective is always a wonderful thing to do. You never know what another person has been through to bring them to where they are at.

When people tell me I can’t imagine having four kids I always respond with neither could I, but somehow I can’t imagine my life any other way. We all have things that we never thought would happen, but they make us who we are today.

This week a lot of change is happen in our household.

This is Sophia’s last full week home before she starts kindergarten. I have been quite the emotional wreck these past couple of days. I can’t even begin to tell you how fast these past 5 years have gone. I am going to miss my little girl, my friend, my helper, my mini me. I am not sure what I am going to do without her. I know this is the first step to her growing up; that is the most difficult part. I know she is ready and will do great, but I am not sure I am ready. One of the hardest parts of being a parent is letting our kids go.

Our last breastfeeding session was the next big and emotional change happening this week. Yes, tonight was my last time nursing my girls. For the past few weeks I have only been nursing them before bed, but they have been giving me signs that it is time to move on. I can’t believe that is it. I can’t believe I am never going to breastfeed another baby again. It is truly bittersweet. A part of me is ready for our family to grow out of the baby stage, but there is still a big part of me that just wants to keep them all little forever. I cannot believe we are never going to have babies in this house again. I can’t believe that part of our lives is over. It is crazy to think we have ended one chapter and now starting a new one.

This is quite the week, month, year. Our family is leaving the baby stage and entering the school age stage. Our girls are growing up fast ready or not.

In the Comments Below:

  1. I want to get Sophia a little gift for her first day of school any ideas?
  2. How did you feel when you breastfed for the last time?

6 comments on “Perspective and Change

  1. What a great post and yes so true. It’s so easy to judge, but you are right, it’s all about perspective.

  2. My daughter is going to Kindergarten next week too. It’s so bittersweet because I know she’s ready but I’m going to miss her. I also have a 3yr old and 3 month old twins, so at least I’ll be busy at home.

    I think a nice gift would be some sort of jewelry…a necklace or earrings your daughter can wear on her first day. Good luck!

    • It is crazy. But, yes we will still be crazy busy. 🙂

      I love that idea. We are taking Sophia school supplies shopping tomorrow and we are going to let her pick out her outfit for the first day. Love the jewelry idea.

      Good luck to you too!!

  3. Juanita on said:

    Renee. Every single year I get Donovan a cookie from cookies by design on the first day of school (bus, apple, or whatever else they have in stock) and I get his teacher a little bag of cookies….great first day gift to follow them
    Through the years!

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