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What a powerful word. This is definitely something I need every moment of every day. Last night was no exception. Monday nights Sophia has gymnastics and the girls and I all go to watch big sister. We were having a wonderful time. I look down and it is 6 o’clock I think to myself only 15 more minutes and just when I thought I had this I was quickly reminded that nothing is in my control EVER!

So, its 6:05 (Sophia’s class ends at 6:15) McKenzie walks over to me and I immediately know she pooped. I get the three little ones (McKenzie, McKayla, and Isabella) and we go into the restroom. Isabella tells me she has to go potty. So, I ask her if she thinks she can do it alone while I change McKenzie’s diaper and she says, “yes”. All of a sudden I turn around and she is NAKED with the door stall wide open. Oh my!! I ask her what she is doing and she says “going potty”. Well, that was a silly question. All I could do was laugh. Oh and I forgot to tell you McKenzie didn’t just poop she had a blow out. Yes, it was a mess; the rest of the time she walked around with no pants. What was I to do? Well, I finally got Isabella dressed and we left the bathroom to wait for Sissy and seconds later I realize McKayla pooped too. Seriously?! Yes!! Well, I decided this one had to wait (we live minutes from the gymnastics place). All of this happened within 10 minutes. Life with four little ones is never boring; that’s an understatement.

After our fun filled hour at gymnastics we still had to give our girls something to eat and get them to bed. Yes, putting four kids to bed is exhausting, but that is not what matters. They won’t be young forever and I never get this precious time back with my girls. This is what I tell myself before the madness begins. Last night was no exception, I was already tired from our evening and bedtime mayhem hadn’t even begun.

After struggling through bedtime I sat to read this article. It couldn’t have come at a better time. After reading the article I decided I need to stop looking at bedtime with my girls as a chore, as simply another thing to check off my list. I need to look at it as quality time with my girls. We read books, snuggle, laugh and pray. This is actually my favorite time of the day, but sadly some days I am simply so exhausted I don’t even enjoy it.

When Sophia started kindergarten I decided I wanted some snuggle time with just her so once we finish our reading/snuggle time with her and Isabella I come back to read a chapter from an age appropriate book to Sophia. Best decision EVER!! Seriously, I love holding Sophia in my arms while we read. This is also when she tells me about her day. I get snuggle time with Isabella during the day, but I miss my Sophia.

tuesday - sophia sleeping

So, as you put your little ones to bed remember this time is precious and you will never get it back. Remember that your little ones are the most important people in your life. They are innocent little people and deserve the best. I know this is difficult to do at times, but it is very important and one day you will miss this. One day I will miss this!!

4 comments on “Patience…

  1. Sarah Watson on said:

    Hi, Renee! I can absolutely relate to you! I am 27 and have a 4 year old, 2 year old and 9 month old twins….and they’re all girls, too!! I love reading your blog. I feel like you are the only person in the world I can relate to. I’m sure you know what I mean when I say things can get very isolating at times. Keep up the good work because you are making a difference in at least one of your readers!

    • Congratulations on all your girls!! I am so glad that you can relate. Not many people can relate to having four children let alone four daughters. Connecting with other moms is exactly why I write. Thank you for making my day, week, month, year. 🙂 Being a mom can definitely leave you feeling lonely even though you have four daughters with you at all times. Ha!! Thank you for reading I am so glad we can keep each other going!! xoxo

  2. Awww love this! You are right, time flies !!