I may regret posting this later but this is why I was out of it this morning while posting. This is one of my not so proud “mom” moments. But I do have to say I always apologize and Sophia has become very good at saying she is sorry. So, at least me messing up every once in a while quite often has it’s advantages.
I am not one to complain, but we just had a crazy morning and I feel terrible about it. I try to always look at the positive and choose happiness, but this morning I had a bad moment. Well this morning before dance Sophia wanted to take a bath because barbie mermaid wanted to become a mermaid and that only happens in the water.
So I put both girls in the bath. While taking a bath with only a few minutes to get out the door Bella decided to poop in the tub. I was just so frustrated. She has been doing this a lot lately and it is really gross. Haha. I might have yelled, not my proudest moment.
Anyway, I pulled them both out of the bath and put them in the shower quickly to make sure they were clean, while I cleaned the tub. Oh my! Needless to say I was exhausted before even leaving the house. I felt bad because I kinda lost it with the girls. I had a terrible motherly moment and have been feeling awful all day. Please tell me these moments happen to you. Please tell me that sometimes you lose it with your kids and that I am not a terrible mother.
They happen and it’s totally understandable! Don’t beat yourself up hun! It’s normal for these things to happen and totally get to us, so no worries girlie.