MIMM # 85

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MIMM # 85

Are we seriously in mid-January already? I know I say this all the time, but oh my time just goes by so fast. I must say I am completely okay with these winter months flying by; I can’t stand the cold. Yes, I am a baby.

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I must say we had such a marvelous weekend. McKenzie and McKayla have truly been getting easier and easier. Okay, I hate to use the word easy when it comes to twins, at least our two because let me tell you there is nothing easy about our little loves. They sure like to keep us on our toes.

We had a nice and relaxing Saturday and ended the day at our friends house for a family get together. It is always a blast to go over to their house. Our girls love it and so do we.

McKenzie wouldn’t take her hat off. Oh my!!

mimm - mckenzie hat mimm - mckayla sprinkles

mimm - sophia cookie 2 mimm - isabella cookie

Sunday morning began with Church and breakfast out. Then another relaxing day.

Wow, they look so big sitting in the highchairs coloring; such silly girls. 🙂

mimm - breakfast mckayla mckenzie cute mimm - breakfast mckenzie mckayla mimm - breakfast - mckayla mckenzie mimm - breakfast mckayla mckenzie 4 mimm - breakfast mckayla silly mimm - breakfast mckayla silly 2 mimm - breakfast sophia snuggling mimi

Thank you Katie for hosting such a positive link-up. Love it!

In the Comments Below:

  1. How was your weekend? Tell me what is marvelous in your life.

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