Good afternoon evening everyone (yes I started this post during naptime, but I simply couldn’t get it finished). I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a busy, but fun family weekend. Each and every day I fall more and more in love with our little big family.
Marvelous is….
- celebrating birthdays. We had two birthday parties on Saturday and our girls loved every minute of them.
Isabella sitting with Pop (Steve’s dad) at his birthday party!!
- going to the Zac Brown concert with my hubby. I seriously can’t remember the last concert we have been to together. It was so much fun getting out just the two of us again. We have been doing this a lot of lately and it feels amazing.
- knowing I am right where I am supposed to be. Being at the concert missing my girls shows me that being a mom is what I love to do and I wouldn’t change that for the world (it’s the cooking, cleaning, etc. that I could do without) :). Yes, I have a wonderful time, but whenever I am apart from my girls it always refreshes me. It proves to me how I am doing exactly what I am supposed to do. I am meant to be a mom and I love it!! When I am not being a mom things simply don’t feel right.
- our first trip to Target!! After getting Sophia on the bus on Friday the three little ones and myself got in the car and went to Target. It was a success and I can actually say we had a lot of fun. I love being able to shop with my girls. Seriously, they are good girls. So many people ask me how I do all this stuff with my girls and I simply say by teaching them how to act, discipline. Once they know what you expect they will act accordingly. I love my girls.
This is how we walk to the bus stop.
I don’t know what I would do without these carts!!
- Rodan and Fields newest product. This past weekend was out convention and sadly I simply couldn’t go; I am sure you can see why.
Next year hopefully it will be easier for me to get away next year. During the convention a breakthrough product was revealed and it is AMAZING!! I can’t wait to get my hands on this in a couple weeks.
I know so many pictures, but I can’t help it. These results are astounding. Seriously, these are all pictures of real people, consultants, most of them on my team!! Contact me to find out how you can get your hands on this amazing new product.
As always thank you Katie for hosting.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your marvelous weekend?
Hi Renee, love your blog! I have a 1 yr old and can barely handle it some days. Of course, it’s also the most amazing experience! Props to you for being such a great mommy to 4 girls. I was curious if you provide free samples of the skin care line? I’d love to check it out.
Awe. Thank you!! Yes, I would love to send you samples. I will email you and get your address later today, so I can get them in the mail.