Thank you Katie for hosting. It is so nice to read all about the marvelous happenings in everyone’s lives. I love to focus on the positive.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Our Mother’s Day did not turned out as planned; when you have kids what does?
Sophia woke up on Sunday morning with a fever and not feeling 100%. But she wasn’t complaining of anything hurting. So, we gave her some medicine and decided to still go and visit my mom and Steve’s mom’s. Our plan was simply to stop by for a little bit to say hi. Well, on the way to my parents house Sophia got progressively worse. As we pulled into their subdivision she throw up all over herself. Poor thing. We decided to swing into my parents driveway and clean her up then go right home and relax all day. Which is exactly what we did. The rest of the day she had a mild fever and didn’t feel well. Everyone had an early bedtime and she woke up feeling okay. She must have had some sort of a mild bug. Loved that Sophia woke up so much better today!!
Even though Mother’s Day didn’t turn out as planned it was still amazing. I felt awful that Sophia didn’t feel well, but we snuggled all day long and I couldn’t have asked for a better day.
For Mother’s Day my parents got my a beautiful card and a plaque with a quote that I love. They also got me this wonderful book called “Mommy Prayers”. This book has a pray for all different circumstances that might happen throughout a day in the life of a mom.
Our Isabella is feeling so much better. You would never know she was so sick a few days ago.
This morning at our ultrasound our twins look amazing. They are still measuring quite differently, but they are developing on their own curves.
Baby A weighed 1 pound 13 ounces and Baby B weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces. Quite different, I know, but they are both doing great. That is truly marvelous. A few months ago we didn’t even know if we would make it this long. I am still praying to make it to July. We can do it!!
Our twins are thriving!!
I am sorry I didn’t get any pictures from Mother’s Day, but we were not picture perfect.
In the comments below:
- I would love to hear all about your weekends and the marvelous things that are happening?
Oh no! So sorry things didn’t go as planned. Like you said, that’s the way it goes with kids right!?! I’m so glad to hear things are going good with the twins! Fingers crossed you make it to July!
When you become a mom you quickly realize nothing is about you any more and never will be, but that is okay with me.
Thank you, we are going to keep hoping and praying they can stay in there!
I’m sorry to hear that yesterday didn’t go as planned, but I’m glad Sophia is feeling better! That is the nature of having kids. Also, I’m happy to hear that the twins are thriving!
It is no fun having sick kids, but the extra snuggles were wonderful. I can’t lie.
Hi Renee! Happy belated Mother’s Day! Glad to hear your girls are feeling better and you had a nice, relaxing day with your family
Our Mother’s Day was great–we finally told all our family and friends that we are expecting twins and everyone was so surprised and excited! We are now into our 2nd trimester and things are going well. Glad to hear all is well with you. I’m hoping you make it to July as well! Take care 
Thank you. Congratulations to you on your twins. That is so exciting. Keep me updated with how your pregnancy is going. I will be praying everything stays uneventful.
Thanks, Renee! I’m keeping you and your girls in my prayers as well
Stay well!