Good evening everyone. I can’t believe this is our first full week in August. Wow, where has summer gone? I want it back. We are finally getting outside as a family again and it really isn’t difficult. I love getting outside with my four daughters and they love it too. Lately, I have really been realizing that life is about so much more then housework, laundry, business, etc. It is about being with the ones that you love and cherishing every moment of every day. It is about enjoying the small things and the big. It is about loving your children with all your heart. Life is a blessing and we need to try and enjoy it not matter what comes our way.
This is what is marvelous in my life…
McKenzie and McKayla eating their first popsicles with their big sisters.
Sophia and Isabella running through the sprinklers and loving every minute of it.
Watching my girls play and enjoy life together is what is marvelous in my life. There is nothing like it.
Sophia is always performing.
Life is good when my girls are happy and healthy!!
Little miss diva. She told me she had to sleep in her mask. Haha! I never actually thought she was going to sleep like that. But Steve went up to see her after he got home and was surprised. I couldn’t stop laughing.
Thank you Katie for hosting.
Now it’s your turn. Tell me what is marvelous in your life?
Your girls are gorgeous. I had to laugh at your little diva w/ her fask mask. How funny – yet adorable is that. She looks so peaceful
Thank you. Sophia cracks me up all the time. The things she thinks of are hilarious. I’m glad she made you laugh; she loves to make people happy. I love watching my girls sleep; it’s the best.