Good evening everyone. I hope your week is off to a great start. We are having a wonderful week thus far and we had an amazing weekend. This was one of our best weekends in a long time. Since, it’s Monday it’s time to tell you all about our marvelous family weekend. As always, thank Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday.
Our weekend started off with a day at Mimi and Papa’s house on Friday. We headed over there after McKenzie and Mckayla’s morning naps. We all had a nice relaxing day playing and having fun. We then headed over to my parents country club for dinner and fireworks; one of our favorite nights of the year. Sophia and Isabella were so excited. They couldn’t wait to watch the fireworks!!
Everyone loved the fireworks, even McKenzie and McKayla.
Saturday was a relaxing family day with a little pool time. I can’t believe how wonderful Sophia and Isabella are in the water. They are becoming quite the swimmers.
Sunday, oh Sunday. I went and took a yoga class, yes at an actual studio. I seriously can’t remember the last time I took a yoga class and it was wonderful. Steve bought me 10 classes to this studio so I will definitely be taking more classes and I can’t wait. Once, I got home I started to get us all ready for the day. We went to my nieces’ birthday party at the beach and it was so much fun. Sophia and Isabella had a blast playing in the water, the sand and the play ground. I love watching my girls smile and laugh; there is nothing better.
Today was Sophia’s 5th birthday. I seriously can’t believe she came into our lives five years ago today. She made Steve and me Mommy and Daddy. It was a magic day and we couldn’t ask for a better little girl to be the big sister of all our girls. She is one marvelous daughter. We are so proud of the girl she has become and cannot wait to watch her grow. As you know I love to make my girls’ birthdays special and today was nothing short of that. The house was all decorated when she came downstairs and her eyes lit up.
Once, she came down she decided on French toast for breakfast (her favorite).
We then spent the morning playing and having fun. After nap time it was time to head to the pool. That is the only thing Sophia wanted to do on her birthday.
McKayla was loving the pool.
After the pool we had pizza, cake, and opened presents. She told us it was the best birthday ever!! I love hearing my girls say that. I work very hard to make them feel loved and special and when it actually happens I am over joyed.
Okay, I know I am way behind on birthday letters, but I will catch up at some point.
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- What is marvelous in your life?