MIMM # 55 – Memorial Day Weekend

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MIMM # 55 – Memorial Day Weekend

Good evening everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I want to take a moment to thank all of those who have served our country and continue to protect our freedom. We are blessed to have so many brave individuals fighting for us day in and day out. Thank you for all you do.

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Since, it is Monday it is time to talk about our marvelous weekend. We had a family filled fun weekend and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Thank you Katie for hosting.

Our weekend begin with a wonderful birthday breakfast. Followed by lots of time spent outside; it was true perfection. Sophia, Isabella, and myself went to the pool!! Whoo hoo. It was our first of many pool days this year.

They were having so much fun. But I will tell you, by watching Sophia you would never guess she’s had months and months of expensive swim lessons. I know this is simply a phase, but can it please pass quickly? Where did her fear of everything come from?

mimm - pool sophia bella mimm - bella pool mimm - pool sophia bella 2

They were quite worn out afterwards; I seriously thought they were going to fall asleep on our walk home.

One of my favorite parts about going to the pool is our nice 10 minute walk. It is so peaceful.

mimm - pool stroller

Once, we got home from the pool it was lunch and nap time. After three out of the four were asleep we headed outside to do some much needed yard work. We took last year off and you can definitely tell; our yard was rather embarrassing. But I can honestly say after all our hard work it is coming together nicely.

McKenzie woke up first, luckily she enjoyed playing in the pack n play and watching us work hard.

mimm - outside mckenzie pack mimm - mckenzie pack

Sunday was birthday party day, but before we could party we had some more work to do. During McKenzie and Mckayla’s first nap we all went outside to mulch. Fun stuff.

As soon as the babies woke up it was party time. We had the most relaxing afternoon at my parents house. I seriously couldn’t have asked for a better birthday party. Sophia and Isabella had a blast running around Mimi and Papa’s backyard. They played in the pool and on the slip n slide, while I relaxed on a blanket with McKenzie and McKayla. Perfection!! Let me tell you they hate the grass, but it’s a wonderful thing. Ha. No seriously the best part is once you place McKenzie and McKayla on a blanket in the grass they won’t leave it. So, you have a instant gate. 🙂

Sophia had to wear her goggles in the 2 inches of water. Oh my!

mimm - isabella pool mimm - sophia bella pool

mimm - ade fran mckayla mimm - steve mckayla

I can’t thank my parents enough for giving me such a wonderful party. They truly know how to make a girl for special and loved. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you for always taking care of me no matter how old I get. I love you very much!!

Later this week I will share with you some of my favorite gifts.

Last, but not least we woke up Sunday and still had some more yard work to complete. But it didn’t go as smoothly as the past couple days. For some reason McKenzie and McKayla didn’t feel like taking a long first nap. So, I only got to spend a little bit outside. They were not happy in the pack n play, so the girls and I came inside.

mimm - sophia bella outside mimm - mckenzie pack 2 mimm - mckenzie mckayla pack mimm - mckayla pack

Later, I went out and did some mulching. Who knew mulching could be so relaxing? Haha. Seriously, I offered to mulch while Steve stayed inside with the girls. I have a love for sunshine and beautiful weather. I can’t get enough of it.

We ended our fun family weekend with a trip to Bordines. Sophia and Isabella loved looking at all the plants, trees, and flowers. I think Sophia could have spent hours there.

mimm - isabella bordines back mimm - isabella bordines

Don’t you just love the hair?

mimm - isabella bordines hair

mimm - mulch

I love looking out our window and seeing a beautiful yard. Wow what a production weekend!!

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me all about your weekend.

4 comments on “MIMM # 55 – Memorial Day Weekend

  1. Fun weekend! All four of your children are so adorable. I had to laugh a little when you mentioned how Sophia had to wear her goggles in 2in. deep water.Haha! I’m sure she’ll grow out of it.Have you asked Sophia what her new fear may be? 🙂

  2. Memorial Day weekend is a good weekend for getting caught up on yard work. There was a lot of that over here as well. Mostly by my husband, I must admit. 🙂 Unfortunately, it was rainy and chilly where I live for most of the weekend – so motivating!