Happy Monday everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had a busy, but fabulous weekend around here. Our girls were happy girls and that makes for one happy mommy. We had a marvelous weekend filled with love!!
Since, it is Monday I am linking up with Katie for one of my favorite days.
Marvelous is…
our fun family outing to the mall. This was one of our first trips to the mall as a family and it was a success. We didn’t have any major breakdowns from anyone. YAY!! The key for us is our big girls are such good girls; I can’t say that enough. We definitely wouldn’t be able to do what we do if they weren’t so well behaved. I have to say it is marvelous to see that all our hard work has paid off.
I can’t tell you enough how well our outing went and I can’t wait to have another one. The babies couldn’t have been better. Our family is amazing.
Marvelous is…
our happy babies. It is so nice to see so many smiles. They were very sad when they were sick and that broke my heart. It is wonderful seeing their sweet little personalities shine through. I can’t get enough of their cute little faces.
The many faces of McKayla.
Our McKenzie is becoming a pro at standing. Watch out world she will be walking in no time.
Once I went through my pictures from this weekend I realized that I didn’t take very many of McKenzie, so that means tomorrow I will be taking a lot.
Marvelous is…
watching Sophia play with all her friends at a birthday party. I can’t believe how big she is getting. We had a ton of much needed Mommy and Sophia time. Sophia is such a sweet girl; I love spending time with her and love her so much.
If you live in Michigan or ever visit here with kids you must go to Robot Garage in Birmingham. It was a blast. There are tables and tables of legos. Sophia loved playing with all the different sets; she could have played for hours.
Marvelous is…
my mom. I just had to end with this amazing quote and it couldn’t be more true. My mom is truly the best and I love spending my days with her. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Thank you for all you do for us. We love you!!
In the Comments Below:
- What is marvelous in your life?
Glad you all are doing well…happy and healthy! I agree with you on your Mom quote. I do not know what I would do without my Mom!!! She is a true god send. In fact it is rainy and nasty here today and she knows I want to get out so we are all going out to lunch and then to the library with the babies. Thank goodness for amazing Mom’s!
Your mom sounds wonderful too!! I am so happy you have her. This journey is crazy.
I know exactly what you mean by needing to get out of the house. Friday is going to be my first day taking everyone to the gym, simply because I need to change it up.
Looks like you had a blast at the all! Yeah!! Your girls are soo adorable!! My bay girl is 1 month. What is the recipe for well behaved girls?
We truly had a great time. I plan on writing a post next week on how we are raising our girls. My top things are consistency and following through. I will go into more detail nest week.