Good evening everyone. I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. We had a pretty tough day today. McKenzie and McKayla seem to not be feeling well once again. Seriously, we just can’t get past this cold season. We are hanging in there though and I know things will get better; at least that is what I keep telling myself. It is Monday so that means it is time to talk about all the marvelous happenings in our lives.
As always, thank you Katie for hosting such a positive link-up. As you know I love to look at all the wonderful things in my life. It makes life so much happier.
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all the wonderful new readers we have gotten over the past few weeks. I love connecting with all of you. Thank you for listening to my crazy life. I hope we can help each other navigate through this bumpy journey.
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feeling great about focusing on cleaning up my eating. I always believe everything in moderation, but sometimes moderation gets a little out of control. Especially when I am exhausted from lack of sleep. But I always feel so much better when my eating is on par. I have learned over the past few weeks that I do best when I have a plan, so I have been planning out healthy snacks and meals at the beginning of the week. I have been addicted to fruit, it has been tasting so amazing lately!!
figuring out what I like and don’t like about fitness. Over the past 8 weeks while doing P90X I have started to remember what I loved about working out before getting pregnant with McKenzie and McKayla. I am a firm believer in that you must find something you enjoy doing. Consistency is key to a healthy lifestyle. If you don’t like running, don’t run. If you like pilates, do pilates. Being happy is part of the healthy package.
I have learned that I love to have a fitness plan for the week. So, once P90X is finished I will put together a plan for the week every Sunday.
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McKenzie looking so cute while trying to stand in her crib. Not so marvelous is scaring my to death before we lowered her mattress. I can’t believe McKenzie is big enough that we had to move her mattress. She is getting so big. I am going to miss our little baby.
I was feeding McKayla in the rocking chair while McKenzie was supposed to be going to sleep, but she had other plans.
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April’s fitness challenge. I decided I am going to do a booty challenge. Who’s with me??
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today is the last day to sign up for our Boba giveaway. If you haven’t signed up yet click here for the details.
In the Comments Below:
- What is marvelous in your life?
- Who is joining me in April’s fitness challenge?
I love the booty challenge! I might just join you! I’m like you and do better if I have a fitness and eating plan for the week. I set aside time every Sunday to plan out my workouts for the week and it feels good to cross them off as I complete them!
You look great by the way! I just started working out again and it feels so good! Seeing you makes me even more motivated to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape!
I would love for you to join me. I love a good challenge.
Like you I love crossing off my workouts; it just feels so great.
Thank you. Now that you are back at it I am sure you will bounce back in no time!!