Good evening everyone. Wow, it has been some day. McKenzie is still not feeling well which makes for a cranky baby. Thankfully I had my mom with me all day; otherwise I might have gone crazy. Seriously, I don’t know what I would do without her. I know I say that all the time, but it is the truth.
Anyway, it is Monday so you know what that means, it is time for Marvelous in My Monday. As always, thank you Katie for hosting.
Marvelous is…
having Sophia and Mommy time, even if it is simply going to the dentist. I will take whatever I can get. I love spending time with her. After having a wonderful afternoon of going to the dentist and Trader Joe’s (Sophia’s favorite store). Somehow every time she comes with me we end up with a lot of goodies.
Marvelous is…
visiting with my family from Chicago. We always enjoy being together. I loved watching all the kids play. My girls had so much fun; they love their cousins. We can’t wait to see them again!!
Marvelous is…
watching Isabella eat a cupcake. She is too cute. Right after snapping this picture I decided to take her Minnie dress off and have her eat naked.
Marvelous is…
Sophia asking Mommy to snuggle. I almost told her that I didn’t have time because I had so much laundry to fold, but I paused and looked at her adorable face and couldn’t resist. So even though I seriously had a huge pile of laundry waiting for me I knew those clothes could wait, but Sophia could not. She is much more important then any chore I have to do; all my girls are. My house may not be the cleanest these days, but it is surely filled with lots of love. I want my girls to know that they are my priority and they mean the world to me.
My new motto: Everything else can wait!!
Marvelous is…
the wonderful Boba GIVEAWAY. Don’t forget to enter; click here for details.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell my all about what is marvelous in your life.
You are so right! Everything else can wait
I sometimes have to remind myself of this as I did today when I was busy cleaning up and my son asked me to play with him. Like you I almost dismissed him to continue with my business but instead sat down to play and had a blast!
Yes, sometimes it is so hard not to choose to do a task. But I know I always feel so much better when I pick my girls.
I am so glad you did the same!! Best feeling ever.