Good evening everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. As I said on Friday we didn’t have much planned. Steve had a lot of work to do, but besides that the girls and I relaxed at home. All and all it was a wonderful weekend.
Since it is Monday is it time to talk about all the marvelous things that have been going on around here. As always, thank you Katie for hosting.
Marvelous is…
going to church with my big girls. Since it has been brutally cold around here lately, we have not been bringing McKenzie and McKayla to church. So, every Sunday Sophia, Isabella, and myself have been going. Sophia goes to Sunday school and Isabella loves to come to mass with me and I must say I love it too. Church has become a wonderful way for Isabella and I to get some alone time; we snuggle the majority of the time. It truly look forward to it week after week.
Marvelous is…
making a batch of crock pot chicken to use throughout the week and using it for lunch today. I am really going to start prepping healthy food on the weekends to have it throughout the week. I have been cutting up fruit which is so nice for all of us. We are able to grab strawberries, grapes, etc. when we want a quick snack.
Chicken, pesto, and mozzarella grilled flatbread. It was delicious and so easy to make. I love have grilled chicken readily available.
Coming up with quick healthy meals and snacks is what I am all about right now. As I come up with some tasty ones I will be sure to share them with you, so be on the look out for some delicious recipes. Since, McKenzie and McKayla are starting to give me a little more time I am going to be playing in the kitchen a little more!!
Marvelous is…
Isabella sharing her precious Minnie Mouse with McKayla.
Marvelous is…
my sweet McKenzie and McKayla sleeping. Not marvelous is having to wake them up to get shots, but I have to say they took them like champs. I learned a trick today. While I am holding their hands I continue kissing their precious little faces and they don’t even think about the shots.
Marvelous is…
feeling a little better about packing for Disney. My mom and I were writing our list of things to bring as well as packing outfits for McKenzie and McKayla. They best thing is we have a washer and dryer so I am going bring one outfit per day for the girls and if/when they get dirty I can simply wash it and reuse it. Getting ready for a trip with six of us is quite a job.
In the Comments Below:
- It’s your turn. What is marvelous in your life?