Good afternoon everyone. So, this morning I had to have minor surgery to fix my umbilical hernia. It was an out patient procedure. It was a small hernia, but caused me pain every once in awhile, especially while working out. My doctor found my umbilical hernia at my six week check-up after having Isabella. She had informed me that most likely I would need it fixed but it would be best to wait until after we were done having children. After having McKenzie and Mckayla I knew it was time. The only restriction I have is no heavy lifting for about 2 weeks. I cannot lift or carry Sophia and Isabella, but I can hold the babies. I figure once you go through three child births, with one being twins, you can handle anything.
Since it is Monday I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday. Thank you Katie.
It is marvelous that I don’t have to have this surgery hanging over my head. I am glad that it is behind me.
Marvelous is our family pictures have been taken. I always get so nervous about family pictures. Figuring out outfits and making sure everyone looks good. Since, I completely dropped the ball we had to get our pictures taken in studio and not outside (the weather is too cold here). Our girls do better during outside pictures, but we did the best we could. It was not easy getting all of us to cooperate together.
Sophia was amazing. She loves the camera. She thinks she is a model. It is so cute, she smiles instantly and wanted to be in every picture. Isabella on the other hand didn’t want anything to do with the camera and the lights. She wanted to hide and cry. Our photographer thinks she got at least one good family picture; I hope she is right. After about 15 minutes or so Isabella started to warm up and wanted to be in some pictures. By this time we were done with the family picture portion and onto pictures of only the girls. We were able to get some really great picture of the girls. I can’t wait to see what they look like in a couple weeks and I can’t wait to design our Christmas cards.
Marvelous is my first stitch fix <—{affiliate link} package is going to arrive Thursday!! I am so excited. I can’t wait to see what their stylist has picked out for me and I can’t wait to share my new outfits with all of you. This is my first month trying stitch fix, but as long as everything goes well, I plan on signing up for a package to arrive monthly. Right now with 4 daughters their is no time to go shopping and I feel like I am wearing the same few outfits over and over again. I really need to clean out my closet and I want to start fresh with all my new stylists approved outfits.
Stitch Fix is so neat. You fill out a while survey on your likes and dislikes. I have requested mostly stylish, yet comfy outfits. I want cute outfits to wear to drop off and pick-up Sophia from school. I want to make it easier be able to run errands, yet come home and be comfy. I don’t want to feel like I need to change into something comfy the minute I get home. You can also make special requests. Such as, we have a work Christmas party for Steve coming up and I requested something to wear to that. But I don’t want that monthly. You are charged a $20 styling fee that can be applied to your order. They also provide a free return shipping bag, so it is easy to decide what you want to keep and send back the rest. I really hope I love it all. I can’t wait to fill my closet with adorable outfits.
My goal is to clean out and rearrange my closet. Right now my closet is organized by shirts, pants, etc. and then by color. I think I am going to start to arrange it by outfits. As a busy mom of four I want getting dressed to be simple and a no brainer.
In the Comments Below:
- Do you prefer to pick out your own outfits or do you like when someone else does the work for you?
- Would Stitch Fix be something you would do?