Happy Monday everyone. I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
It is time for another Marvelous in My Monday post. One of my favorites. Thank you Katie for hosting. I have to tell you up front, I don’t have any pictures from our weekend. Life is simply so crazy right now I cant even think about taking pictures.
Marvelous is going to the gym with Sophia and Isabella on Saturday. I went and took the same class I took a few weeks ago, called Fitness Mania. This class is boot camp type class; very intense. I have been taking this class for a few years and love it, but it is definitely a challenge for me, since I have not exercised in months.
Marvelous is doing a few Blogilates videos while all three little ones napped today (Sophia was at school). It felt amazing to do some Pilates. I love Cassey; she is so motivating. I will definitely be sore tomorrow.
Marvelous is figuring out a way for me to fit exercise into my life. I have decided that I am going to try to go to the gym every Saturday with Sophia and Isabella and also try to go Mondays and Wednesdays after I drop Sophia off at school. The biggest challenge for me will be not spending my one on one time with Isabella, but as soon as I get home I will be all hers. Once I feel comfortable enough to take the twins to the gym we will all go a few days a week. A few more months and I think we will give it a go.
Marvelous is deciding I want to start running. I have never really been a runner, but I lately I have been thinking it will be a great way for me to relax my mind. I remembered reading a few months ago about how Ashley was going to get back into running postpartum. She included some Couch to 5K workouts in her routine; so I think I am going to give it a go. I also think this would be great way to get a workout in without driving to the gym; it would cut back on my time away. I will keep you updated on how all my fitness plans pan out.
Marvelous is feeling like I have a plan to get back into an exercise routine. I am ready!!
Marvelous is having all of my supplies to tackle one of my many Pinterest projects.

Pink Duck Tape and A Box – I am going to use this decorative storage in the babies closet to store the next size clothing. Right now the girls are in different sizes so it is difficult to organize all their clothing.
In the Comments Below:
Tell me all about what it marvelous in your life.
- Have you ever attempted a Pinterest project?
That is exciting that you got an opportunity to go to they gym! Though I miss working out at our old gym (or box), it is nice to workout at home and not be away from Keenan. Even though he is playing on his own while I workout, it is nice to do it along side of him. I love it when he tries to do his version of a “workout!”
I know exactly what you mean. I do love working out with the girls right by my side, but it is nice to get away too.
It is so much fun watching the little ones try to workout. I love it too!!