MIMM # 16 – McKayla’s Homecoming

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MIMM # 16 – McKayla’s Homecoming


I am so this is a day late, I really wanted to get it out yesterday, but it just didn’t happen. 🙂

Monday, was marvelous because we have all of our girls together at home. McKayla came home. We are truly blessed.

McKayla and McKenzie at Home - First Time 2

Sophia loves her little sisters!

Sophia looking at girls

McKayla is such a little peanut in her car seat.

McKayla - Coming Home 2

Getting McKayla home was quite the challenge. We found out Sunday evening that she didn’t pass her car seat test two different times. She had already been cleared by the doctor to go home, but this was out last obstacle. So, Steve and I immediately wanted to figure out what we needed to do to get her home. I started to research what car seats were best for preemies under 4 pounds. It seemed like an infant car bed was our best bet, but those are not easy to get a the last moment. Unfortunately, we went to bed not knowing how our little one was going to get home.

The next day, Monday, I talked to our nurse, who is certified in car seat safety, she said that sometimes simply switching brands helps. She recommended the B-Safe by Britax. I again researched that before sending Steve to the store and the reviews seemed to coincide with what our nurse said. Many of the reviewers said this was one of the car seats that their tiny one was able to pass the test in. So, of course we decided that is one we are going to buy. We didn’t care what the price or which car seat it was, we simply wanted to bring her home.

Steve left work, bought the car seat, and brought it to the hospital so McKayla could be tested in her new seat. Well, she passed!!!

Leaving the hospital Mckayla weighed 3 pounds 13 ounces.

Monday, was a marvelous day! All of our girls are together and we couldn’t be happier.

Friday was also a marvelous day. McKenzie had her first doctor’s appointment aside from the NICU. I was very nervous about her weight gain. I truly wanted her to be gaining a significant amount of weight, since now she was breastfeeding 99% of the time. If she hadn’t gained weight I would have felt like it was my fault.

She gained 6 ounces in 4 days. It was amazing. On Friday she weighed 5 pounds 7 ounces.

Our breastfeeding is working and now that both girls are home we have been tandom feeding. It is going well, but we still need some practice. Life is good!!

Head on over to Katie’s blog and see what marvelous happenings are going on in everyone else’s life!

23 comments on “MIMM # 16 – McKayla’s Homecoming

  1. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on said:

    Ahhh this made me cry! So happy all your girls can be home now. 🙂 Enjoy this special time! xoxo

  2. Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans on said:


  3. Laura @ Special Treats on said:

    So happy everyone is home together!!!!! And I am VERY impressed that both are already tandem nursing, esp. at how tiny they are! That is incredible!!! I’m still working on that at almost 2 months! 🙂

    • Thank you. We are still perfecting it, but they are getting pretty good. It is definitely more difficult for McKayla to tandem feed than McKenzie, but they are working on it. 🙂

  4. Rachel on said:

    Oh, they are so precious! So glad you can all be home together as a family. It’s amazing that they are nursing…so happy to hear it! It encourages me as I’m hoping to nurse are twins when they arrive as well! Enjoy this time with all your girls!

    • Thank you. Nursing twins is definitely possible, but you have to be determined. There are plenty of times I have felt like giving up in the past 3 weeks, but I have kept going. You can do it and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 🙂 If you have any questions let me know!!

  5. Erin on said:

    So happy for you and your family!

  6. Suzanne @ Mixing It Up on said:

    Such beautifully perfect little girls! Congrats on having both of them home with you!!

  7. happinesssavouredhot on said:

    Oh, that’s such an important moment!

    My oldest was a preemie, born at 31 weeks, 3 pounds 5 ounces. Stayed in the NICU 5 weeks. I can’t describe the feeling when I finally was allowed to bring her home.

    Enjoy your family life! 🙂

    Find me at happinessdishbestsavouredhot

  8. chelsey @ clean eating chelsey on said:

    Yay for everyone being HOME!!! That is such great news!

    • Thank you!! Best news ever. I can’t wait to continue on your journey with you. It makes me miss being pregnant with these two little ones. 🙂

  9. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    I can’t believe I missed your post two weeks ago of the twins being born! With our move and becoming pregnant, I’ve definitely been out of the blog world the past couple of weeks. Congrats! I’m so happy that your twins are home and healthy. They are so precious!

    • I totally understand about being out of it. I feel like I can finally get back to reading my favorite blogs; well sort of. 🙂 Thank you so much!!

  10. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    So happy for you Renee! That is awesome that she got to come home. She is just precious!

  11. Susan (susonia.com) on said:

    Oh my, they are gorgeous! Congratulations on having them both home! My son was only 4 lbs (full term though) and luckily he passed his test (we had the Maxi-Cosi Mico), but I can relate to having a teeny tiny baby.
    PS: I stopped by from WIAW, but had to keep reading, because it’s been a while since I last checked out your blog, but I love birth stories/pregnancy blogs. Congrats again!

    • Thank you. It is quite scary taking care of such a tiny baby, I worry every second. But I am so glad to have them both home. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by, I am so happy you liked catching up on everything. I am working on writing my birth story. It is coming I promise!!

  12. Angela @ Happy Fit Mama on said:

    Popping over from #MIMM. Had to stop by when I saw your twins pic – I’ve got twins too! Congrats on your sweet girls and having everyone home!