MIMM # 141 – A Day Late

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MIMM # 141 – A Day Late

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Last week was not our week. Isabella, McKayla, McKenzie and myself were not feeling well; the head congestion was awful and the lack of sleep sure didn’t help. This week didn’t start our much better.

Oh Monday, you didn’t treat us very well. First, of all McKenzie didn’t sleep at all Sunday night, she was up pretty much every 15 minutes. Then our poor Sophia threw up in the middle night and woke up Monday morning with a fever, so I took her to the doctors. Sophia woke up yesterday morning with a fever, since we leave for Florida in no time I took her to the doctors and sure enough she had Influenza A. McKayla and McKenzie have it too, but some how Isabella has managed to escaped it; at least for now (seriously, as I am typing this poor Isabella wakes up screaming that her ear hurts; good thing we already had an appointment with our ENT tomorrow (for something different, but it works)).

sick mckenzie mckayla sick mckenzie

sick sophia 2

And of course we got our new floors installed on Monday too, so yes it couldn’t have been busier. I will take a picture ASAP!!

On a happy note, my brother came into town and we always love seeing Uncle Fran, but we sure did miss Aunt Sarah and saying goodbye is never easy. The crazy thing is the next time we see these two there will be three, sweet baby Maizy will be here. Oh my!!

goodbye quote

Saturday morning we had breakfast at Mimi and Papa’s, then Steve and I headed out to run some errands and finish packing for our trip (ok I didn’t finish, but pretty close). Later that evening went to dinner with some friends, while our girls spent the night at Mimi and Papa’s; this was just what we needed.

For the most part our bags are packed, my biggest worry this week is figuring out our carry-ons, water toys and food (I am packing a checked bag of nonperishable food for the girls. I will share a more detailed packing list with you later this week; okay it might not happen until we get back.). I love to get packed ahead of time, but I do have abad habit with throwing things in last minute.

growing old

{Linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}

In the Comments Below:

  1. Are you a last minute packer or do you plan ahead?

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