I am excited it’s time for Marvelous in My Monday. This weekend had so many marvelous happenings.
As always, thank you Katie for hosting. Don’t forget to head over to Katie’s blog and see the adorable pictures of her baby boy. Congratulations Katie I am so excited for you and your family. Enjoy your sweet baby boy!!
It is a marvelous Monday because I am still pregnant!! I am so happy I have made it to my goal; July. It is also marvelous because no matter what happens this week we will meet the twins Sunday the 7th; my induction day. I truly can’t wait to hold our babies. Thank you for all the support. I feel so blessed.
As we are quickly approaching the arrival of our twins I wanted to let you know I will do my best to update my blog about their birth. However, if you would like details quicker please head on over to Facebook and like my page. I will be able to update that quicker.
I can’t believe we are already talking about the twins birth. If feel like just yesterday I told you I was pregnant!! These nine months have flown by. Thank you for being on this wonderful journey with me. I can’t wait to share my adventures post pregnancy (finally workouts are coming back) and life with twins.
Sophia’s 4th Birthday
Sophia’s birthday was yesterday, Sunday, and we had a nice and relaxing day. Everyone surely needed it. The girls and Steve had a busy Friday and Saturday.
We woke up Sunday morning and Sophia wanted to open up her gifts so of course we said sure. We told her she would have to wait to have cake until after dinner, but we could start with presents.
Sophia requested pizza for her birthday dinner, so after pizza we had some cake.
In the Comments Below:
What are the marvelous things happening in your life?
Oh those are such sweet pictures…She looks so much like you!!
And congrats on making it to July!! Very exciting
Thank you. She is my mini me. Her and I are so much a like inside and out it is scary.
I still can’t believe she is four and going to go to preschool in the fall. Oh my!
Thank you. I am so excited to be in July. I can breath a little easier.