{Thank you Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}
What a weekend we had; it was filled with a lot of Christmas fun. It all began with a wonderful family breakfast with my in-laws. I made overnight French toast; which is always a winner and one of my girls’ favorites.
We ended Saturday with some Christmas movie watching, wine drinking, and gift wrapping. After we put the girls to bed I got to work. Yes, I am actually ahead of the game this year. I wrapped all of the gifts we had in the house at the time. Quite a few more boxes have arrived since then, but I will work on those tomorrow night. My goal is to have everything wrapped by this weekend, so we can enjoy our Christmas break. I don’t want to be stressed, I want to be able to enjoy this wonderful time of the year.
Sunday we enjoyed brunch with Santa. The beautiful weather gave us a wonderful reason to play outside in December and coatless. Who would have thought?
Our girls always love the idea of Santa until we actually see him. They prefer to watch from afar. Luckily, our table is typically next to where he sits so it’s easy for our girls to just simply observe. Well, this year Sophia got a little braver and Isabella too.
McKayla and McKenzie wanted nothing to do with Santa. Whenever, I asked them if they wanted to sit on his lap they would give him a sideways glace and quickly say “no”. They were basically telling me I was crazy to think they would talk to a strange man in a red suit; seriously mom?! Even so, our afternoon couldn’t have been better. This was the first year we didn’t have a baby and a toddler in tow. Can I say our brunch was peaceful? Yes, actually I can. Oh my, life may just be getting a little too easy, but it’s very nice.
These two are something else. They sure know how to turn on the charm when the camera comes out. No seriously, the second I ask for a picture they become these sweet, innocent little girls.
Our jump ropes and kazoos from Santa were a hit. Seriously, the cheapest plastic toys are always loved.
Can you see the insanely dirty tights on McKayla? Yes, she had a blast jumping in puddles in her pretty dress, but what was I going to do? She was so happy and that’s what Christmas is all about. Jumping in puddles=pure joy!!
With a wonderful weekend comes a crazy Monday. Yes, I am exhausted and this is just the start of all the fun. Boy, am I ready for Christmas break. Just a few more days; I can do this!!
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your weekend.
- Do you kids like seeing Santa? How do your visits typically go?