First, I want to say Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there. Thank you for always being there for your children. They are lucky to have you in their lives.
Father’s Day
I am so blessed to be married to a wonderful man. My hubby truly is the best daddy to our girls and it takes a strong, patient man to be a father of four girls and I know Steve will do an amazing job. God, knew what he was doing when he chose Steve to raise four daughters. I am so proud of the husband and father her is to my girls and me.
Sophia picked out Daddy’s card all by herself.
Sophia and I decided to do the questionnaire that I saw on Giselle’s blog for Daddy.
I am also so very blessed to have an amazing father. He is the best dad anyone could ask for. He would do anything for his kids. My dad has always worked hard not for himself, but for his family. He has always wanted what is best all of us. He would do anything to make our lives better and easier. He is the most generous man I have ever met and he would give us the world if he could. My dad truly showed me how to be a kind and caring person. He has taught me that family always comes first, no matter what!!
Dancing with my dad! What an amazing man.
What a lovely day. Sophia had her first dance recital and I couldn’t be more proud. She was a beautiful dancer. She was one of the few girls that knew all of her dance. I truly started to feel like one of the crazy dance moms. Oh my!
I have to tell you when I dropped Sophia off at her dressing room before the show I was having a difficult time leaving her. It truly broke my heart thinking about my little girls being backstage by herself. When I wasn’t with her my heart seriously had a hole in it. In this moment I began to realize Sophia is growing up and I don’t like it. Ha!
I can’t imagine how I am going to feel in the fall when she starts going to preschool. It is going to break my heart. But I we have to let them grow up. It just doesn’t always feel good.
At intermission when I went back to see how Sophia was doing she told me said, “I loved it”. She absolutely loved being on stage. She really lights up. Now off stage in front of people she becomes very shy.
Here are a few pictures we have from the recital. We couldn’t get too many because she didn’t want to take any pictures after the show.
These a are couple picture in the dressing room, before the show.
After the show Sophia only wanted Mommy and Daddy. She didn’t want pictures with any one else.
Taking a picture with her present from Mimi and Papa. Her first Care Bear.
Thank you Katie for hosting Marvelous in My Monday!
We have a busy day of appointments today. We start off with our weekly ultrasounds, then I have one of my twice weekly non-stress tests (NST), and finally we met with the head doctor of the NICU. Our perinatologist recommended that we talk to her about our twins and get a feel for what they do in the NICU. I am very nervous; it simply makes everything very real and our twins are going to be here before we know it. I will fill you in on how everything goes tomorrow. Have a marvelous Monday!!
In the Comments Below:
What are some marvelous things that have happened in your life recently?
- If you are a parent how do/did you cope with your children growing up and moving on to the next phase of life?
OH! That little Sophia is such a doll!! I can’t believe how fast they grow up!!
Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my little buddy. They grow up way to quickly.
Your pictures are beautiful! I have a hard time with Keenan growing up. I’m happy and excited, i.e. potty training and starting preschool in the fall, but sad at the same time, as he is no longer my baby anymore. They grow up way too fast!
Thank you. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time and never let them grow up any more.