{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}
Have I told you how happy I am that Steve and I organized our house a few weekends ago? Life has been so much more relaxed. Our house is much easier to keep clean now that we don’t have as much stuff and everything we do have has a place. So, this past weekend we didn’t have any major cleaning to do and it felt marvelous. Our weekend was nice and relaxing. I love our family time.
Friday night Sophia and Isabella had a sleepover at Gram and Grandpa’s house (Steve’s mom and stepdad). They had a blast. First, they went and bought new gymnastics leotards, then enjoyed pizza and a lot of crafts, games, and playing with flash lights. Sophia can’t stop talking about the crayons they used in the bathtub. The next day they went to paint pottery and have lunch. Our girls had such an amazing time. I love listening to their stories about their weekend with their grandparents. I love that we live close enough to family that our girls can have these days with them.
Can I just say two kids is a piece of cake?! Seriously, I can’t even tell you how quiet it was with just McKenzie and McKayla. It was nice to have some alone time with them, but I did miss my big girls and so did they. McKenzie and McKayla kept asking for “Soso and BelBa”
We spent Friday evening playing outside. Then once the girls woke up and had breakfast, we took them to Costco and Best Buy. Did I mention how easy it is with only two? Errands are just so simple, but definitely not as much fun. I love our fun adventures. I really did miss my big girls, my helpers.
McKenzie and McKayla were having a blast playing barbies and dress up all by themselves. They thought they were pretty cool. Oh and they learned a cool way to turn on the lights when their big sisters aren’t there to help.
Sophia and Isabella arrived home Saturday afternoon and we had family movie night watching Home. If you haven’t seen this movie you must go rent it ASAP. It is definitely a must see!! We ALL are loved it. I wasn’t able to get any pictures, because I couldn’t move. Mama was surrounded by beautiful girls.
Sunday morning was spent at home playing and relaxing, but first we had cinnamon rolls per the girls’ request. Sunday evening was spent celebrating our Papa’s birthday. We don’t know what we would do without him. We are all so blessed to have him in our lives. Our girls just love their Papa.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your weekend.