MIMM # 103

MIMM # 103
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This may have just been one of our best weekends EVER!! The perfect weather didn’t hurt.

We spent most of our weekend outdoors, which is MARVELOUS! A sunny day makes everyone happy.

It all began Friday morning, shopping with my three little ones. We dropped Sophia off at school then headed over to Target AND Costco, yes TWO stores. I seriously cannot even tell you how amazing Isabella, McKayla and McKenzie were during the entire 3 hours!! I love having my shopping buddies, my girls make life so much more fun. We sure missed our Sophia.

Isabella was too busy telling me everything she wanted to put on her birthday list to take a picture.

mimm - target 2015 - mckenzie mckayla

While at Costco we noticed they were hosting a Vitamix trade show and guess what? I fell in love. Okay, I may have become a little obsessed. However, I didn’t buy it Friday, I knew I had to think about it (since it is an expensive purchase). Well, I couldn’t get it off my mind all weekend. So, Sunday morning after church Sophia, Isabella, and myself went and bought a Vitamix. I am so excited. Right now we make at least one smoothie a day if not more. What really sold me was how amazing a green smoothie tastes when made from a Vitamix. All four of my girls devoured their sample smoothie. This is going to be a great way to get some nutrients into my girls diets, as well as Steve’s and mine. Life is busy so if this can make our lives a little easier I am all for it. I will share the green smoothie recipe ASAP (it’s a great one for newbie green smoothie drinkers)! The Vitmax is my mother’s day/birthday/Christmas gift for the year. So. Worth. It.

This weekend we were able to enjoy some of our favorite warm weather activities, playing at the playground, running through the sprinklers, the water table, blowing bubbles, and having dinner on the deck. Life is beautiful!

mimm - wagon 2015 girls
mimm - bubbles 2015 sophia isabella
mimm - wagon 2015 girls 2
mimm - 2015 outside mckenzie small cones
mimm - playground may 2015 girls cars
mimm - playground may 2015 swinging 2
mimm - eating deck 2015 girls

Saturday evening Steve and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. Mimi and Papa came over at about 2ish, then Steve and I headed to the mall. Shopping without kids is so easy, who knew? Once at the mall we decided to stop at Capital Grille and have one of our favorite appetizers, mozzarella wrapped prosciutto, and drinks, a stoli doli. We ended our night at Maggiano’s. Such a great time. I love our date nights, they really help you remember what you love about each other. Some times our every day stresses can get in the way. Time together is a must to connect as a couple not just parents.

While we were out our girls had the best time with Mimi and Papa. They played outside, went to the playground and ALL four girls got baths and showers, trust me that is not an easy task.

I love that Steve and I can go out and enjoy each others company without having to worry about our girls, this is the best feeling as a parent. Thank you Mimi and Papa.

{I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me all about what is marvelous in your life.

One comment on “MIMM # 103

  1. Stephanie on said:

    You are going to love the vitamix! It chops ice like no other. That was always my problem. I would want to make a smoothie or protein shake with a regular blender and there would still be ice chunks. You can also use the vitamix for making soups or when baking. It’s a great purchase! My husband and I use ours often and have no complaints

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