Microwave Single Serving Chocolate Cake

Home / Microwave Single Serving Chocolate Cake

I found a recipe on Pinterest, but of course I had to tweak it a bit. That is what I do best.

Microwave Single Serving Chocolate Cake

Adapted from: Eating Well Living Thin


1 Tablespoon Flour (white, whole wheat, whole wheat white – I have tried them all)

1 Tablespoon Almond Flour (if you don’t have almond flour you can use more regular flour)

1/2 – 1 Tablespoon Sugar (1/2 tbsp is enough for me, but play around with it)

3/4 teaspoon baking powder (I use a teaspoon and just estimate)

pinch of salt

2 tsp cacao powder (You can substitute for unsweetened cocoa powder too.)

1 tsp applesauce

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

2 tablespoons milk (I use unsweetened cashew milk, but you can your milk of choice.)

1 Hershey kiss or any piece or chocolate candy – I love breaking off a piece of a dark chocolate bar. Dark chocolate is always my number one choice. (optional)


1. Mix all dry ingredients together.

2. Add wet ingredients and mix until smooth. Pour into a small microwave safe bowl.

3. If adding candy, push your chocolate into the center of the mixture.

4. Microwave for 20-30 seconds – There are no eggs in this so you don’t have to worry about cooking it fully, just enough to set the mixture.

5. Add some light ice cream and enjoy!

Nutritional Information: (depending on what type of flour you use this will very)

Using a 1/2 tbsp of sugar:

Calories: 114.6

Fat: 4.75g

Carbohydrates: 18.75g

Fiber: 4.75g

Sugar: 6g

Protein: 2.5g

Using 1 tbsp of sugar:

Calories: 137

Fat: 4.75g

Carbohydrates: 24.75g

Sugar: 12g

Protein: 2.5g

Note: Your piece of candy will add additional calories.

In the comments below:

Let me know what you think? This has truly become a guilty pleasure of mine. 🙂

One comment on “Microwave Single Serving Chocolate Cake

  1. Samantha on said:

    Must eat this tonight!!! Thanks girlfriend!

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