Well, this morning did not go as planned and I had quite the emotional moment. I have been a little bit of a wreck lately. So, I woke up at 5:15am to get in my P90X yoga workout (it’s an hour and a half) done before the girls work up, but McKenzie and McKayla had other plans. McKenzie decided to wake up at 5:30am and not want to go back to sleep, so I paused my workout and brought her down with me. Then McKayla woke up at 6:00am, so once again I paused my workout and got McKayla. They were both watching me for a few minutes, then they lost it. They both needed to nurse and were ready to go back to sleep. So, I fed them and put them back to bed all the while my workout was waiting for me. Oh my!! Then Sophia woke up at 7am. Thankfully Isabella slept in. Well low and behold I finally finished my workout at 7:30am.
Wow, that did not go as I planned and let me tell you I was so sad. It was just hard for me to realize I truly have no time for me and most of the time I am okay with that, but when I wake up at 5:15am with only have slept 5 hours I really want to be able to have a little time to myself. I mean seriously how early do I have to wake up to get my workout in. I was feeling very down on myself this morning and it doesn’t help that I haven’t been loving my body. But more then anything I was simply feeling as though I am never going to have time for myself. I know I am have a pity party, but I just had to get that out. And let me tell you all my girls have to do is smile at me and give me some love and I melt. No matter how rough our days are my girls always seem to show me why they mean the world to me. My girls are my life and I will do anything for them. Thank you for listening to me vent, I feel much better.
Luckily, after a rough start to the morning McKenzie and McKayla both took at hour and a half nap. They truly helped me feel a little better.
7 Months
Okay, for some reason I feel like this month went by faster then any month thus far, but I think I always say that. Each and every month is getting easier and easier (I hate to use the word easy when it comes to twins; nothing is easy).
McKenzie Madison
McKenzie is a spitfire. She is a sweet baby, but boy does she know what she wants and she wants it now. She loves to snuggle and loves to be held. McKenzie loves to interact with her sisters. She loves attention. She is very vocal. McKenzie is a passionate baby. She is very loving.
McKenzie pulling off her bow.
Sleep: Ever since McKenzie’s two bottom teeth came in have been heading in the right direction. We have had a few nights of 7pm to 7am, but for the most part she wakes up once a night. Her naps are a hit or miss; she has some days where she takes 1.5-2 hour naps and other days where 45 minute naps is all we are going to get. At this point all I care about is happy babies. A few things I have learned about our day is I prefer their nap times to be a little staggered; when they are tired at the same time the house is crabby.
Eat: McKenzie loves to eat. She loves anything and everything. She nurses about every 3-4 hours and eats two meals a day. Her first meal at about 10am consists of rice cereal and a fruit and her second meal at about 5pm is a veggie and rice cereal. I am going to start the girls on yogurt this week.
Milestones: McKenzie is babbling like crazy. She loves to hear herself talk. Sophia and Isabella are always telling me she is saying mama and needs me. Oh my, I don’t think I am ready for more girls to be able to call for mama. McKenzie is almost able to sit by herself, but she just isn’t stable yet. She will be there in no time.
McKayla Grace
McKayla is such a sweet baby. She is a happy baby. McKayla loves to snuggle and she loves to fall asleep in your arms with a pacifier of course. She is much more into her pacifier then McKenzie. McKayla gets sad when I walk away from her, it is rather sweet. She is also starting to become afraid of people she doesn’t see all the time; it takes her a little bit to warm up. She is a mama’s girls and loves to be loved.
Sleep: McKayla started off this month with some great nights of sleep. She has had a few nights of 7pm-7am, but most nights she wakes up once sometimes twice. However, these past few nights she has been a little off due to her two bottom teeth making their way in and I have to tell you her pain cry is heartbreaking. I seriously cannot handle listening to her in pain; it is completely different then any of her other cries.
Eat: McKayla nurses about every 2.5-4 hours, depending on whether or not she had a meal in between her feedings. She is getting much better at eating her food; the first few weeks were tough, but I think she is finally getting the hang of it. She eats her meals at the same time as McKenzie, unless one of their naps goes longer the expected.
Milestones: McKayla has started babbling along with McKenzie. The two of them are really starting to make a lot of noise. She is going to be sitting on her own in no time; she made be tiny but she is mighty. A few times I have gone up to get her from her naps and she is on her hands and knees; the start of wanting to crawl.
My favorite thing about this stage is their laughs. I love hearing the giggle, especially when they are interacting with their sisters. The love to play with them. McKenzie laughs so hard when you kiss her neck it melts my heart and McKayla loves to be tickled all over. McKenzie and McKayla shared a toy for the first time today. Well, I am not sure they were sharing or is McKenzie stole it from her sister. But it was cute McKayla was playing with their book and “passed” it to McKenzie.