Good morning everyone. I am sorry this is a little late. I can’t believe McKenzie and Mckayla are four month old already. Time goes by so fast. As difficult as these last few months have been it really seems like it went so quickly. I feel like I can barely remember when they were in the NICU and we were going back and forth. It feels like forever ago when we were going week after week to the hospital for ultrasounds and check-ups to make sure they were going to be okay. We have come so far and the girls are doing amazingly well. They are our little miracles.
Today, I am only doing an update on the girls, but I do want to do one on how I am doing physically and mentally. So, that will come soon. Probably next week.
She is my social butterfly. Mckayla loves to smile, talk, and interact with everyone. She is a happy baby. I can’t believe how much she has changed since she first came into this world. She weighed 3 lbs. 3 oz. and now she weighs 10 lbs. 10 oz. She truly is a miracle.
Mckayla is still wearing newborn size clothing, but I think she is almost ready to move up to the 3 month size. We will see. She is still such a peanut.
Mckayla is getting really good with holding her up, she can sit in the bumbo for a few minutes before her head gets too heavy. She loves talking to people and looking at you right in the face. She gets so excited when I walk into the room and it just melts my heart. Her smile is contagious and it makes all the troubled times obsolete.
Mckayla loves her sisters so much. She loves the entertainment. When they aren’t around she is defiantly more cranky. She missed them. She loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with them it is really cute. The four girls will sit and watch it together.
She is my serious one. She loves to study everything and she is only going to give you a smile if she truly means it. McKenzie is a tough cookie. I think she is going to be my cautious one. I love when she smiles at me because I know she really means it. She loves to listen me talk and loves to be with her sisters. She is happiest when she is with us.
McKenzie has grown so much since she was born. She weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. and now she weighs 13 lbs. 3 oz. I can’t believe how big she is getting. She is getting so strong. McKenzie is becoming so good at holding her head up and loves to sit and watch what is going on. She is wearing 3 month clothing, but very close to switching into 6 month. I can’t believe how well she is doing. By looking at her you would never know she was a preemie.
McKenzie has become fond of her pacifier to help her fall asleep, but it would never stay in long enough to do the trick. So, I finally gave in and bough a Wubbanub.
McKenzie loves to watch her sisters dance and act crazy and they loves the attention. She loves to watch Mickey with her sisters too. It’s a great way to actually get to cook dinner.
I though I would talk about this together because they are pretty similar. They take turns have good nap days and not so good nap days. Some days they will take at least one two hour nap and other days they catnap all day long. It really drives me crazy, but I know this is only a phase and they will get better. Once they are six months old I will work with them more on taking solid naps. I will tell you once you have a few children naps aren’t as important as long as everyone is happy.
Mckayla is definitely easier to put to sleep and McKenzie loves to fight it till the end.
Nighttime sleep is getting better. They definitely seem to be out of the colicky phase which is wonderful. They truly was the worst. McKenzie is doing pretty well staying asleep. Mckayla would rather be awake with us. However, typically they are both asleep by 10 pm at the latest and will sleep a 4-6 hour stretch. Again I am going to get tougher once they are six months old. It is really hard for me to want to be tough with them. Whenever I look at them all I can do is think about my precious little preemies (who am I kidding I wasn’t very tough with any of my girls :)). They were so tiny.
Here they are loving their Arms Reach Co-Sleeper. Mckayla is in the white and McKenzie is in the pink.
That last picture of the two, you just know they already have some sort of communication going on – it’s like the one is telling the other “Look at this mama taking our photos, let’s make sure to do ____”. Too cute. I also smiled at the sleep stuff, it just goes to show each child is different and you can do the exact same thing but it might not necessarily work for each! My kiddo is the world’s worst sleeper and has been since day 1!
I totally agree with you on that last picture. I thought the same thing. I love that picture so much. They are so sweet when they are together. I can’t wait to watch them grow up together.
You are so right every child is different. And right now I am trying to figure out what is going to work for each of them and like to keep me on my toes.
Great job momma! Those little girls are beautiful and getting big so fast! Btw, those are great weights! At 6 months my daughter was 12lbs and my son was 14.5lbs! They are now 7.5 months and growing up too fast! Aren’t WubbaNubs the greatest!?!
Thank you!! I can’t believe how far they have come. It is crazy how far they have come and it is such a miracle. That is wonderful to hear.
Wubbanubs are fabulous, I don’t know how anyone lived without them.