Wow, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to complete the Liebster Award, life has been busy. But I have finally finished the questions.
Since, I participated in the Liebster Award in December, I thought I would simply give the 11 fun facts about myself and answer the fun questions given by Kristina. Head on over to her blog and check out her great workouts, recipes, beauty tips, and much, much more. You will love her!! You can also see the details of the Liebster Award on her site.
11 Fun Facts About Me:
- I love chaos. I love a busy house. It was music to my ears when I hear my girls playing.
- I love piece and quite.
It is also wonderful when I hear them playing calmly. Haha.
- I love working out. I cannot wait to get back to the swing of things. I am actually looking forward to working hard to get back to my previous fitness level or getting to an even better level.
- I want to train for something one day. I love to push my body to the extreme and I think it would be fun to have something to work towards. Whether it is a 5K run or a fitness competition. Once the twins are one I will begin to figure out some fitness goal. I want to be the fittest I have ever been after having our twins.
- I work best under pressure. I am the girl who does my best work when I only have an hour to go. Such as, when we are getting ready for a party or something I really kick it out right before people get here. My mom is the same way.
- I rip pages out of magazines thinking I will want to save the information on those pages, but I barely even go back to them. I actually have a filling system for these pages.
- At this stage in my pregnancy I will look at the Victoria’s Secret catalogue and pick out all the bathing suits I am going to wear one day. HAHA. At least I hope I will!! Steve thinks I am crazy even to look. But I know I will get back there.
- I love all things girly. I am probably one of the girliest girls, but I can definitely hold my own when it comes to talking and watching sports.
- I never imagined I would be a mother to twins. And I never thought I would have four girls, but now I can’t imagine my life any other way.
- I have so many DIY projects I want to complete but I am so afraid of failing. So instead I look at the pictures on pinterest. HAHA
There are a few projects that are going to happen after the babies arrive. I am determined.
- I truly love my life!! I wouldn’t change a thing.
Questions from Kristina:
- What is your favorite relaxing activity? I love relaxing outside on a nice sunny day reading a book. Sitting by a pool or a lake is always a bonus.
I love beautiful weather.
- If you have one, what is your favorite go-to workout when you are stressed? I love a tough workout when I am stressed. A HIIT workout is always great. I really love to sweat. But, on the other hand I a good yoga class is great as well. I don’t get to take yoga as much as I would like, but they always make me feel centered and so much better. I remember when I used to take yoga a lot more I always left feeling amazing. Once these babies are born I think I need to begin taking more yoga classes. I never thought about it until now.
- Favorite brand of coffee? To be honest with all of you, I don’t drink coffee. Actually, I don’t drink anything with caffeine in it. For the most part I stick to water. Of course, I also drink smoothies and other healthy drinks.
- What are your pet’s names? We do not have any pets at the moment and we aren’t going to have any for a while.
I think four daughters is enough for now.
- How long have you been blogging? I began this blog in November 2012, so I have been blogging for just over six months. Wow, I can’t believe it has already been that long. I truly love connecting with all of you on a day to day basis.
- What is your favorite recipe to make at home? I think at the moment my favorite recipe would be my Baked Chicken and Veggies. I haven’t made it in a while, but it is truly delicious.
- What is your guilty pleasure? Right now it is sitting down after the girls go to bed and eating My Single Serve Chocolate Cake with ice cream.
- How do you motivate yourself to be active? It really doesn’t take much to motivate me to be active. I truly love to workout and sweat. But, trust me there are some days I need an extra kick and when I do I always remember how I feel after I exercise. I also think about my daughters and how I want them to learn to be healthy from me.
- Favorite artist to run/workout to? I don’t really have a favorite artist right now.
- Favorite vacation spot? This is a tough one. With the girls I love to vacation at Disney World. Watching their faces light up when we walk into Magic Kingdom is breathtaking. I am truly happiest when my girls are happy. With my hubby I love to go somewhere tropical and stay at an all exclusive resort. I am not picky about where we stay I just like to relax at a beautiful resort with my love.
Sophia meeting Ariel. Her favorite part! - What is one of your long term goals? Hmmm… Long term goals, I really have no idea. At this moment in our lives I am simply thinking about the next few months and giving birth to healthy babies. But, I guess one of my long term goals would be deciding what I am going to do with my life professionally once the girls are all in school. I have quite a few years before I have to figure out that. I was a teacher before I had Sophia and I do miss being in the classroom. But I am not sure what is going to be the best decision for or family of 6. I guess we will have to figure that out when we get there.
You can click here to check out my first Liebster Award. There are more fun facts and questions.
In the comments below:
- What are some fun facts about you?
- Let’s have fun choose a few questions and answer them? I would love to hear all about you.
Oh I do the same thing with DIY projects and Pinterest! I love pinning them but know I won’t do too many of them because I never think they turn out good enough. I am doing a few things for The Love Nugget’s Bday party but very low key this year
Love these posts where we get to learn a little more about you!
Fun (random) fact about me – up until last Thursday I hadn’t eaten beef in over 10 years! The hubby talked me into trying a bite of his steak and I HATED it! Blah! But… at least I tried it
I always say I am going to make things for our girls party and then I never do. HAHA!! Maybe someday. I can’t wait to see what you have made for your love nugget’s party. I am sure they will be amazing.
Wow, that is a long time to go without eating beef. Well, at least you don’t feel like you missed out on anything these past 10 years!
Oh Ariel was my favorite too!!!
Fun fact about me…I’m from the south but I HATE both sweet tea and fried catfish
She is a beautiful princess. Sophia loves them all!! But we are very into mermaids right now.
It is so funny you posted this today because I just did mine today, too, and I nominated you!
That is funny. Thank you so much I feel so honored and blessed. When I started blogging I really never thought anyone would be interested in what I had to say. HAHA!!