Good morning everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful start to your weekend. This morning I get to have some Isabella and Mommy time (as Sophia would say); we get to snuggle and play just the two of us. Which doesn’t happen very often. Steve took Sophia to swim, so we could relax. Isabella is still not feeling 100% and lately I am always tired.
Wow, this will be my fourth Mother’s Day. I truly can’t believe Sophia is turning four next month. I can’t even fathom that next year we are going to have four daughters. It is amazing how much I love every single one of my girls. I will love them forever and they will always be the most important people in my life. They are my priority. They are my pride and joy.
Being a mother is the most difficult yet most fulfilling job I could ever have. Some days are easy, some are hard, but they are all filled with lots of love and hugs and kisses. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
A Special Thank You to My Mom
I want to thank my mom for everything she has done for us throughout the years. My mom always put her children above herself no matter what. She is the most selfless person I have ever known.

One of the best moments in my life was the moment I saw my mom hold Sophia for the first time. Two years later meeting Isabella was no different. Her heart became filled with more and more love. She loves her granddaughters more than she has ever loved anyone. My mom tells me that there is nothing better than being a mimi (as we call her). She says the love for a grandchild is immense and never ending.

My mom is my rock. I truly don’t know what I would do without her. She has helped me with everything; from the little things to the big. She has always been there for me and I know she always will. After Sophia and Isabella were born she was with everyday to help me with anything I needed. After the twins arrive she will be here even more. I need her more then ever right now and she is excited to help. She tells me that it brings her so much joy and happiness to be with us everyday. She tells me she loves to do things for us and loves to make our lives easy. (Seriously, could I have gotten a better mom?)
We will see if she is still saying that a couple weeks after the twins arrive. Our house is going to be busy. But I know chaos never bothered my mom and I am just like her.
My mom and I are so much alike. I am truly following in her footsteps and I couldn’t be prouder. If I can grow up to become the women she is I will know I lived a wonderful life.

Thank you mom for all that you do and continue to do for us. We all love you very much.
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Belated Mother’s Day beautiful!!! I can’t believe either you will be adding two more beautiful kids to your family! So happy for you!!!
Thank you for your tip on the moby wrap too, I appreciate that so much!! <3
Thank you so much! Oh my four daughters, we are nervous but extremely excited. I can’t imagine our life any other way.
I truly fell in love with the moby warp. I love to share what I have learned with other moms and I love learning new things too. We can always use the help!!