What a week we have had, it was a busy one and I honestly don’t see life slowing down anytime soon. I am linking up with Heather for Friday Favorites and today I thought I would share with you my favorite things about fall.

1. Pumpkin cupcakes. These are easy and delicious. We cannot get enough of these cupcakes in our house. I am definitely making a batch of these this weekend.
2. Pumpkin pancakes. As you know we eat these all years long. Yes, it does not have to be fall to enjoy the delicious flavor of pumpkin.
3. Roasted pumpkin seeds.
4. Cider mill donuts. I love to eat healthy, but I practice the 80/20 rule. I also make sure everything I eat is worth it.
5. Carving pumpkins. Okay, I can’t stand cleaning out the pumpkin, but I love the creative process. I can’t wait to see what the girls pick this year. SO MUCH FUN!!
6. Sweatshirts, jeans, boots, etc. I love comfy fall clothes. I love cuddling on the couch.
7. The start of the holiday season. Holidays to me means spending time with my family and it can’t get any better then that. I truly love seeing my girls faces during this wonderful time of the year.
8. These fall to-do lists. Next year we are making one. Can’t wait!!
In the Comments Below:
- What are your favorite pumpkin recipes? I am always looking for new recipes to make.
- What are your favorite things about fall?