Since, it is Friday I am going to link-up with Melissa at Fit N Well Mommy for Friday Favorites. Thank you for hosting!!
Favorite Moment
Waking up realizing McKenzie had slept six hours. I truly feel we are on the track to a good nights sleep. I am starting to feel so much better about what’s to come.
I have been a mom to two beautiful little babies that have become amazing little girls, but this whole twin thing is completely foreign to me. Some days I am seriously not sure what to do, it surely is an adventure. We are slowly figuring it all out together.
Favorite Eat
I have to say my favorite thing I ate this week was my Oven Baked French Toast. Delicious! I usually make it over the weekend, then we eat it for leftovers throughout the week.
Favorite Workout
As most of you know I am just getting back into working out. I feel as though I am finally starting to figure out a way to fit exercise into our crazy lives. My favorite workout from this week would have to be the boot camp type class I took on Saturday. I plan on taking to same class tomorrow. I was sore for days; it felt so good.
Speaking of working out I think I am starting to figure out how I am going to do fit it in with being a busy mom of four young daughters.
Exercise + Being a Mom
Before having our twin girls I had an exercise routine down pat. Most weeks, Sophia, Isabella, and myself would go to the gym 3 days a week and I would workout from home 2 days a week. The girls loved the gym and it gave me a little time to myself. The days that I worked out at home I would either wake up an hour before the girls or I would workout while they played together; sometimes they would join in on the workout. Once I figured out a routine exercising with two kids it was no big deal to do it 5 days a week.
I have started to come up with a plan of how I am going to exercise with four kids. Oh my!! I still cant believe I am a mom of four kids; let alone four daughters. It is still crazy to me. This schedule is very loose because with 2.5 month old twins life is a mystery from day to day. Nothing is set in stone. I am going easy on myself for now.
Okay, so here is my sample weekly workout schedule:
Monday: 9:15-10:15 – step class (My friend is going to set me up because I will be cutting close with dropping Sophia off at preschool.)
Tuesday: rest (for now I am going to take Tuesdays off because it is dance day and until the twins are sleeping better I can’t do it all in one day)
Wednesday: 9:30-10:30 – my own workout at the gym – It will consist of cardio and weight training.
Thursday: rest
Friday: 9:00-10:00 an at home workout of different pop Pilates videos. I am going to do these during the babies morn wake time. Sophia and Isabella join me sometimes or they play in the playroom.
Saturday: 9:00-10:15 – core + boot camp class at the gym
This schedule is a bit ambitious at this time in my life, but we will see how it goes.
Tips for Working Out While Your Little Ones are Awake:
Have realistic expectations. Most likely during your 30-60 minutes workout you are going to have stop at least once and help one of your kids. During my workout this morning I had to help everyone a few times, I am just grateful I got to workout.
- If you have toddler or preschool aged children they are most likely going to want to join in on the fun. I think this is a wonderful thing. I think it is great for my girls to see their mom taking care of herself and for them to learn working out can is fun. My girls are great at jumping jacks, squats, etc. We have so much fun.
- If you have toddler or preschool aged children you can set them up with an activity that they can do by themselves. My kitchen and family room are open to each other, so many times I will set their little table up where I can see it and have them play play-doh, coloring activity, craft, etc. Something they can do by themselves. But remember what I said in #1 you might need to pause your workout to help someone.
- If you have babies know it is okay to workout while they play on the play mat, sit in the bouncy seat, or swing in the swing. Remember when we take care of ourselves everyone is happier.
- If you have babies you might have to do exercises that allow you to hold a baby or two. Today, during my workout I had to do some squats and arm exercises while holding or wearing one of the girls.
One thing I am beginning to realize is that I am a much happier and better Mom when I take a little time for myself and exercise.
In the Comments Below:
Share some of your favorites from this week.
Go you for getting back into exercising! I totally agree about working out while the babies play/sit in bouncy seats. As long as they’re happy and not being neglected, why not? They’re observing and taking in a lot – much more than we think! I can’t wait until I get the clear to workout again. Although, I can’t imagine working out quite yet right now as I’m still healing from my c-section!
It feels great to be back at it. My body was craving it. I can’t imagine healing from a C-section, but when your body is ready I am sure you will know.
Yay for getting back into a workout routine! Exercise truly does make a difference in mood and how I am as a mom! I think it is a great thing for our kids to see us exercising! It models healthy habits for them!
Thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks!! I feel like a new mommy when I get in some exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a long workout, just something.
That’s awesome your getting back into working out and taking the time to plan it out! Great tips for getting a workout in with kids. It’s so hard sometimes but so healthy for everyone
By planning it out I feel like I have a little control over my time. But deep down all of us moms know we have no control. Haha!!