Happy Friday everyone. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am that it is the weekend. We have no plans and that is a glorious thing. I haven’t written a fitness Friday post in awhile so I thought today would be the perfect day to start.
We went to the gym this morning and it was a success. Actually, it was much more then a success, it was easy. Okay, I guess nothing with four kids four and under is easy, but it was not as difficult as I expected. Yes, I took all four girls all by myself. It felt so wonderful to get back “normalcy”. After 9 months of pregnancy (not being able to workout much) and 9 months since the babies were born (working out at home) it feels as though I might be able to leave the house again. I might be getting a little freedom. My next venture is going to be Target with all four. I can’t believe I said that out loud!!
Getting Out of the House with Kids:
- Plan, plan, and plan some more. Set things out the night before. I had all our shoes and clothes set out before going to bed. I also made sure my diaper bag was packed and ready to go.
- Get everyone dresses before coming downstairs. Right after each girl wakes up I get them dressed. I have learned, through experience, this makes the morning 10 times easier. By doing it this way once we go downstairs we don’t have to go back upstairs before we leave.
- Allow much more time then you think you need. My fitness class didn’t start until 9:20am and our gym is less then 15 minutes away but I planned to pull out of our driveway at 8:30am; plenty of time. Today I did have some paper work to do before McKenzie and McKayla could go for the first time, so I left even earlier then normal. But, no matter what I know our mornings are much more relaxed when I leave enough time. Otherwise, I get stressed trying to get us all out the door and that is no fun.
- Give your older children time warnings. I would tell Sophia and Isabella 10 minutes until we leave then 5 minutes and so forth.
My biggest piece of advice is planning ahead. I can’t tell you how important that is for making your mornings easier and more enjoyable.
Today, was such a success we are definitely going to be try to make it every Friday. I can’t wait to add Body Blast into my weekly fitness routine.
In the Comments Below:
- What are your tips for getting out of the house?
Congrats on making it to the gym with all 4 girls and I love all of your tips! It’s hard enough with two kids, so I can’t even imagine what it is like with 4!
This is impressive! How do you transport your twins from the car to the gym? Every time I got to the gym by myself I have to pull out the stroller and put them in that. That’s the only really way I can think of doing it now since they are only 10.5 months, but still a pain! Worth it though
Yeah, so exciting!! I signed up for the gym last week and we started to go there. Zoe is only 7 weeks and doesn’t really care much about the day care. She sleeps most of the time and I can work out for an hour and take a shower. It feels so good to be around adults and to get out of the house and to shower! LOL