Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful weekend. We sure tried our best to spoils our dads and my hubby.
Steve, So many things about you make me love you, like your kindness, strength and loving heart. But, the one thing I treasure most of all is the wonderful father you are. I am so grateful to have you by my side as we raise our family and build a life together.
Happy Father’s Day with all my love, Renee
Dad, where do I begin. A father like you is not easy to find. You are one of a kind. You were my first love, you taught me how to love and be loved. You showed me what it meant to put your family first no matter what. You live you life with such amazing faith and generosity. You would do anything for your children and grandchildren, we couldn’t live this life without you. Thank you for everything you are and continue to be. Thank you for all that you are and continue to be. I love you with all my heart.
I wanted to give my hubby a relaxing weekend, but also spend time with our dads. So, I kept Saturday completely open, I wanted him to be able to nap and relax, but Steve of course had other plans. He just can’t stop.
Steve and my brother-in-law picked up our new kitchen table and we spent some of the day setting it all up. I love it, but it will take some getting used to. It’s BIG, but perfect!! We have a bench on one side and are able to fit three chairs on the other as well as two at the end. It is great for our big family. I will post pictures ASAP!! I wish I took a before picture, but I didn’t. I’m sorry, I would have loved to see the transformation.
After nap time on Saturday we spent the afternoon at the pool (I warned everyone when it opened this was where we were going to be day in a day out). It was simply perfect. There is nothing like after swim cuddles.
We started our Sunday with sleeping in and breakfast with Steve’s dad. I made my Baked French Toast and for the first time I replaced cow’s milk with cashew milk. My next step is finding a dairy-free replacement for half-and-half. I think I may simply try replacing all of the milk/half-and-half with cashew milk; its creamy and I think it may work. Not only would this make it dairy-free for my hubby, but it would reduce the fat and calories a lot. So, we will see and I will keep you updated.
We spent the rest of the day at Mimi and Papa’s house. Steve went golfing with Papa and us girls had a blast playing in their backyard with the pool and slip’n slide. It was HOT so this was just what we needed!!
We ended the day with a wonderful BBQ and of course the girls wanted to spend the night at Mimi and Papa’s house and that is just what they did.
Well, except for McKenzie for some reason she wanted to come home with Mommy. This would be the first time in 3 years, since bringing McKayla and McKenzie home from the hospital, that they woudln’t sleep in the same room and I was quite nervous, but everything turned out okay. Actually, I must say I loved my alone time with McKenzie. We snuggled, ate breakfast, played, and got dressed just the two of us. I hate to say it, but it was kind of too quiet. I just didn’t know what to do with myself. I missed the rest of my group, but I do love spending one-on-one time with my girls. McKenzie did ask about her sisters all morning, it was very sweet. McKenzie and I stopped at Target before heading over to get the girls and that was so much fun. Again it was just too easy. I guess I was simply meant to have 4 daughters and nothing less.
I will say as a mom of 4 I crave alone time with my girls, but I also cherish our time together. Somehow everything always works out the way it is supposed and that is a beautiful thing. I am so grateful God believed that I was strong enough to live this life. I couldn’t ask for anything better.