We began as a family of five and have grown so much in the last few years. I’m sure our family with continue to grow in the years to come.
My girls are so blessed to know their great-grandmas as well as they do. I love that they have a relationship with them. It is truly something special. Four generations is a beautiful thing.
I can’t believe how much our girls are growing up. They are becoming such beautiful young girls and we are blessed to call them our daughters. These four girls bring so much joy to our lives.
My mom and dad are two of the most amazing people I have ever known and I am so grateful to follow in their footsteps.
I love having family pictures taken. Yes, preparing for it is not always easy, but I love having these beautiful pictures to remind me of life at this moment in time. I love looking back and seeing the growth of our family year after year.
{pictures taken by Brittini Marie Photography}