Hello, Hello…
I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. My poor Isabella is not well, but hopefully she is on the mend and will be back to school tomorrow. We shall see. She seems to feel better by afternoon, but rough in the mornings. Who knows?
This past weekend our elf, Sparkle Lila, came back. My love hate relationship with her is all love when I see my girls light up over her arrival.

Maybe we all need to just believe…
This past week Sophia began to question the elf’s authenticity. When she first began questioning all my girls were near, so I quickly mentioned let’s chat later. When we had a chance to be alone, she simply told me she doesn’t want to know either way, for now she just wants to BELIEVE! I assured her I understand and to let me know if or when she would like to talk about anything at all. I told her I will always answer her questions with honesty and love. I want my girls to feel comfortably to come to me for anything, judgement free.
I want my girls to know I am always here for them.

Allow yourself to enjoy the things we take for granted. Allow yourself to feel like a kid again, taking in all the joys of this holiday season. So much to be grateful for, so much to believe in.