Egg Bagel Sandwich

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Egg Bagel Sandwich

Ok, I am so tired of being sick. I was finally feeling better, then I woke up today feeling terrible again. My head is all stuffed up. I just need to get this gone once and for all. We have gone through so many tissues in this house. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been getting a lot of emails asking how I made my egg bagel sandwich. It is really the easiest thing to do. Here is a simple tutorial.

Egg Bagel Sandwich

1. Toast your bagel. (you can use any type you would like. Usually I use whole wheat, but Steve bought plain, so that is what I ate. :))

Toasted Bagel

2. Get two small microwave safe dishes and grease with a little butter or oil. Scramble one egg and a splash of milk in each dish. If cooking two at a time cook for two 30 second intervals. If cooking one egg in one dish two 15 second intervals. These times depend on how cooked you like your eggs.


3. Once eggs and toast are finished. Take one of the eggs and put in on the bagel and press down. Then add second egg on top and close the sandwich. You can put anything you like inside your sandwich. Such as, cheese, bacon, veggies, etc. I like my plain and simple. ๐Ÿ™‚

egg bagel sandwich

My bagel and egg sandwich was only 350 calories and so filling. The calorie count of your sandwich depends on the type of bagel you use. My bagel had 210 calories in it.

One comment on โ€œEgg Bagel Sandwichโ€

  1. Shannon (Healthiful Balance) on said:

    SO delicious! Iโ€™m having trouble finding bagels here in Germany, hopefully I can find some soon!