Easy Greek Yogurt Waffles | Healthy Breakfast

Easy Greek Yogurt Waffles | Healthy Breakfast

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful week. We sure enjoyed our weekend and the beautiful weather. Today, I thought I would share one of our favorite breakfast recipes. If you have been reading my blog for some time now you have seen this recipe before, but I thought I would bring it back to everyone’s attention because it is just that good.

Bonus: We also bought a new mini shaped waffle maker this weekend and the waffles become that much more fun.

DASH Mini Waffle Maker

Servings: 6-8 smaller waffles or 3-4 larger waffles

(This recipe is basically a single serve recipe depending on how much hungry you are at the moment. Check on the nutrition facts beneath the recipe.)


  • 1/2 cup unbleached all purpose flour (57 grams)
  • 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup greek yogurt (113 grams) (Dairy Free Yogurts works too)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoons pure vanilla extract


  1. Place all dry ingredients into a bowl, mix together
  2. Make a well in the center
  3. Add the remaining ingredients
  4. Stir until completely combined
  5. Let sit 5 minutes (I do this while my waffle iron heats up)
  6. Now it’s time to cook your waffles
  7. Top with your favorite toppings
  8. Enjoy!

*This recipe can easily doubled to make more waffles.

The entire recipe has 20 grams of protein, 47 grams of carbs, 6 grams of fat

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