Sunday morning started early in our house. I was up at 6am and Sophia was awake and ready to start the day by 6:30. She couldn’t wait to see where the Easter bunny hid her basket, but she waited for her sisters to wake up and they just kept on sleeping. While she was waiting she got dressed and ready (which was really nice). Everyone was finally awake by 7:30 so we found baskets, got dressed, touched up hair and got out the door by 8:10am (all at a very comfortable pace, gosh we are getting good).
Sophia’s basket was not easy to find or reach. See, she had been bragging all week about how easily she has been able to find her basket in years past, but this year it was tricky, tricky.
The joy and innocence of little girls is beautiful. When my girls are happy I am over the moon, their happiness is truly my happiness. It doesn’t take much for me to be happy.
We met Mimi, Papa, Gigi, Auntie Ade, and Uncle Scotty at church and our girls were angels. Yes, I can actually say they were all amazing.
After church we went to Mimi and Papa’s before heading over to Indianwood for brunch and of course the girls had to find and open their baskets. Our girls are just so blessed.
Sophia wanted to take the golf cart, so of course we did.
Just so you know Sophia did not drive us over to Indianwood, she just loves pretending in Mimi and Papa’s golf cart. I think the cart is her favorite thing about golfing.
Meeting the Easter bunny was a success!! Our girls loved him (Sophia did say, “Mom I don’t think he’s the real one because I can see his wrist. Ha!! And so it begins.). Seriously, they couldn’t get enough.
After having brunch and hunting for Easter eggs, we took a ride back to Mimi and Papa’s for nap/rest time and to play with some of our new toys.
Then it was time to head over to Nana’s to finish our Easter celebration and yes our girls opened more baskets. Oh my!!
Thank you everyone for making our Easter perfect. We are beyond blessed and couldn’t have imagined a better weekend.