Good evening everyone. Wow, I feel like I have been absent forever. I have really missed talking to all of you. As much fun as our vacation was it feels great to be home and I have so much to tell you.
It all began Monday February 24th. We pack the car, dressed the girls and drove to the airport. Our travel day was a success. Our girls were angels, you would have never known we were traveling with 4 little ones. Oh and Magical Express is well, magical. We dropped our checked bags off in Michigan and received them in our hotel room a few hours after landing. Let me tell you it made traveling much easier.
Checking in at the airport. So excited!!
As soon as the plane is pulling out Sophia says, “Are we there yet?”
Seriously, I can’t believe how old Sophia looks. She can’t wait to get off the plane.
While we waited for our room to be ready we went for a swim. The girls couldn’t wait to jump into the pool. If you are taking the Magical Express don’t forget to pack your swimsuits in your carry on bag (your bags won’t be delivered to your room for a few hours after check-in).
Later that evening we took a boat ride over to Downtown Disney to have dinner. It was a wonderful start to our vacation.
As I type this I am already missing our time together. We truly had a wonderful time. Disney World with children is magical.
I am so grateful to my family for this wonderful week. It couldn’t have been any better. I can’t wait to see where we will all go next year. Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do.
Tomorrow, I will fill you in on some places you must eat at while visiting Disney and I still have so much to tell you, but that’s all for now.
In the Comments Below:
Fill me in on what has been going on in your life. I have missed you all and can’t wait to hear all about it!!
So fun! Can’t wait to hear more details!
It was the best!! Seeing my girls light up was wonderful!!
Awww, they are soo cute!! Love the excitement!!
Thank you, their excitement was amazing.