A time to rest, rejuvenate and refresh. Focus on what’s really important.
It’s surreal to think that I taught my last Pure Barre class for at least a few weeks. This community of people means so much to me and I will miss all of you. I still cannot wrap my head around everything that has happened over the last several days. Schools, churches, businesses, restaurants closed, life as we know it has changed and honestly I think changed forever. Yes, they will reopen at some point, but I think this is going to change us all, hopefully for the better. I pray our world listens and changes. I pray that we as people begin caring for each other more.
Right now the best place for us all is at home with our families, keeping each other safe and healthy. I truly believe this is the wake up call we all needed. This is about so much more than ourselves. We are teaching our children how to care for others, how to put others first. Life is about so much more than themselves. Maybe this will change us all, one can hope and pray.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Being secluded with my girls is what I am called to do and I am looking forward to this time with them. A time where we truly cannot leave the house and we simply need to learn to be okay with doing nothing at times. Learn to find peace in the stillness. Slow down, take a breath. I am looking forward to helping my girls learn, love and adapt to their changing world. This is new to all of us, finding our new normal is not always easy. I will help my girls transition gracefully.
Unfortunately, Steve works in banking and it’s never good for banks to close, at this time he will not be able to join us in isolation. However, he is doing his best to practice proper social distancing throughout this vital time. I pray for his health and safety.

I urge you to take this time to meditate, reflect and focus on what is truly important.
Commit to keeping as many people safe and healthy as possible.